My partner loves poker machine gambling Las Vegas. She loves the atmosphere, the characters and she usually comes out winning a bit. Thankfully she has no interest in online gambling when she gets home. Similarly I love record shops. I will walk miles in the burning heat from Encore to Record City to hunt through hundreds of old records, and I really look forward to it. The excitement of whats gonna be the next record in the pile! The tension of when you find a goodie and you slowly take it out the sleeve to check the condition! The low when its cracked. The high when you get a bit of a bargain (big Northern finds are long gone, but I like great Soul records). Back in Sunny Manchester I still love record shops. If I've a day off in the week I'll stay up silly late the night before listening to records and after a leisurely breakie I'll set off on my bike ride. Could be Rochdale, Heywood, Hyde, Stockport, Warrington, Alty, Chorlton (Kingbee, special treat!), Stretford, Wigan, Bolton, Prestwich (Beatin Rhythym, another special treat) or Northern Quarter. Sometimes I spend a lot (thats over 40 quid for me), other times literally nothing. But its a great hobby combining fresh air, exercise and late night drinking.
Chris is correct in that you can get whatever you want on t'internet and if there is something I specifically want that's the place to go. Could take years to find in record shops what you can find in seconds on Discogs. But I dont really enjoy the online search or the faff of having to collect from the sorting office. Like many here I was enthralled by the early days of Ebay. At first it was lots of bargains with a low dollar rate, cheap shipping and no crazy bidders. Then it got to the stage of looking at a computer screen at work all day then rushing home to try and keep up with the never ending new entries on Ebay, and not really buying much anymore. And as the wise gamblers say "when the fun stops, stop". That said I've spend a bit of lockdown time trawling through a few disog sellers lists to find some bits to make the postage on the record I want worthwhile. So I guess pre or post I'd say post. Best of best worlds although record shops are now severely depleted, yet you never know .....