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    Judy Clay-Upset My Heart

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    Yorkshire lad with Soul in his blood.

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  1. Hi Mick. Out of interest how do you know what label it is on? Unless you check every record that is played on the night you really do not have a clue that the record you have just heard is on an original or not! Even then the label could be fake so in reality you would have to check the scratching or the marks on the record to be 100% sure. If a DJ plays a record that you believe to be an original but is in fact a carver/boot would it really make a big diference to you?
  2. After lots of threads on here that I have read it is about time that record collectors understood that record collecting has nothing what so ever to do with the Northern Soul scene and it never ever did in the first place. I have read storys of DJ's throwing records in to the crowd or selling them off cheap when they got booted back in the day! If they were record collectors and not DJ's why would they throw Originals away? I have been on the scene a very long time and I have seen many many things in my time and the OVO thing is a recent thing because back in the day it was not even thought about. And that my friends is FACT not fiction. BootlegLenny
  3. Hi It just makes me so mad at times that people assume that those who do not mind boots being played at gigs only visit gigs that play boots! Why is that? The generalised sweeping statement of "You might like to put up a list of the venues you attend ..... so that those who do care about such things might avoid them in future" when in reality I go to lots of OVO gigs and if he means what he says about venues I visit then he would really have to stop going to them to prove a point! Or Would He!!!!
  4. If you really mean that then I would stop going because I have been to many OVO gigs over the years where I know for a fact that Boots and Carvers have been played.
  5. Soul Police Alert!!!! The one thing I have noticed in my short time on this forum is that some people are very quick to judge others by what they concider to be the be all and end all of the scene!! What has the venues I attend got to do with playing boots? What if I listed all the venues that do play OVO! Then what would you do? PS: If you think that all the so called OVO events play nothing but OVO then to be honest my friend I would stop going to many of them because you would be so upset and probebly throw a dickyfit when you find out that they are NOT all OVO. BootlegLenny
  6. I'm not sure who was asking the question but it was only one leble he was asking for but as you say no one got it right so I think that says a lot that people attending a nighter dont really care about what lable the music is on because they are not record collectors they are music lovers. I have been on the Northern scene for close on 50 years and as you can imagine the subject about playing boots at gigs has come up quite a lot in conversation and hand on heart I have never ever met anyone who really gives a toss just as long as the DJ is playing good music.
  7. Hi Rob, Welcome. I'm new here myself and have to say that there is a lot to go through with some great threads and articles etc. I hope you enjoy your stay. BootlegLenny.
  8. Hi Algsoul, Thanks very much I have to say that the site is a lot bigger than I imagined and with so many topics to choose from. I am very much enjoying it at the moment. Lenny.
  9. There is a video on YouTube somewhere (I do not seem to be able to find it) where people are asked a question as they arrive. The question is about a record and what label it is on and if they get the question correct they get free entry to the gig. As far as I can remember of about 30 or so people he asked they all ended up paying to get in. Take from that what you will but I see it as the normal northern soul going person does not really care one way or another as long as the music is good.
  10. I really do not like this one. Evelyn Thomas - Weak Spot
  11. Sebastian Williams - The One You Can't Have Al Haskins And The Mastertones - You Got Me The Gambrells - You Better Move
  12. Hello everyone. Where to start! Been a Northern Soul enthusiast for well on 40 years and loved every second of every record I have ever danced to. Not so much dancing these days with my dodgy knees which has to be the worst thing about getting old when your heart is bursting to get on the floor and bust some moves but your head is telling you to stay seated Stay happy and Stay safe. Lenny.

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