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Fish Fingers

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Everything posted by Fish Fingers

  1. Modern Soul...... Now there is a term that needs explaining to the 'non soul brigade' when you put a 50 year old record on. 'Keep the change'
  2. Just bumping this thread to see what may be added during the last 2 years....?
  3. Will be getting out to the first local night that suits my taste (modern / jazz funk / soulful house) that we can attend. Mrs has just had 2nd jab - so couple of weeks and good to go. Just need to find the right night, as v thin on the ground compared to Northern nights.
  4. Makes you realise the timeless style of scooters compared to the cars. One year we went down (1981?) and came out of the B&B Sunday morning and someone had thrown paint stripper over all our scooters. Couldn't decide whether it was some locals who did it, bikers, or some lads we got into a brawl with the night before. Remember riding back home on BH Monday (it was sunny when we went and dressed appropriately) and it was snowing on the pennines on the way back. Hungover, penniless, and freezing cold on a vandalised Lambretta and also got ticketed for riding on the motorway on L plates. ..... Happy days 😂
  5. Really enjoyed this mix..... Thankyou.
  6. Soul or pop....?? Paul Anka - 'When we get there' Love this song! Always have since I first heard it age about 12. And it just gets better with time imo. Still more a pop song than a Soul record imo.
  7. Nice choice. I do know the track as I am quite into Soulful House. I know it's drifting off topic, but here is the Marc Evans live in Japan track. Borrowed heavily in the SouLutions 'Philly Line' re-edit just released.
  8. Glad you like it . It's been maybe my favourite record for decades! Unusual, in that the more I listen to it, the more I love it. I bet you may also like a brand new album release (yesterday) from SouLutions. 'Anthology' is the album. I won't post links as I think it's frowned upon a bit here. It's only available directly, but there are some samples on their site. 'Stop what you're doing' was already a fave and there is an extended version now. And the track 'Philly Line' has parts of Marc Evans 'The way you love me' which was already a favourite track of mine (Soulful House not Rare Groove though). The live Japanese version of that song with the Studio Apartment Band is just amazing imo
  9. For various reasons I had only just started back on Soul nights in 2019 after well over a decade away. With a new Mrs in tow, I needed to see if she liked it. She hadn't been to a Soul do before and after 10+ years of me playing my music non stop..... she had got to know a lot of it, but had never ever been to a Soul night. For me it was like putting on an old pair of slippers. Something I had been doing for decades, but had lapsed.....and rediscovered. I just can't wait to carry on introducing the Mrs to a fantastic thing that was all too familiar to me, but unknown to her. It's interesting looking at it through a fresh pair of eyes. Stuff we all take for granted (friendliness / love of the music etc) is a revelation to someone who was only used to mainstream clubs - where it was all people getting pi55ed and starting fights etc. I actually think we are all incredibly fortunate to be part of the soul scene in the UK. Its no wonder everyone is missing it so much and desperate to get back.
  10. Nick Aravis - Solar Sat 6-8pm. Allsorts from 60s to unreleased current tracks. Tonight was typically diverse - from Frank Wilson (as its his birth date) to Soulutions tracks (from soon to be released Anthology album) to jazz dancers from latest Colin Curtis compilation.
  11. Just wondering what year that clip was made? Just interested, with the number of followers mentioned and price of records. Guessing late 80ss / early 90s?
  12. Having not heard this song for decades, I read this article and then heard what sounded like a new re-edit of this on Solar Radio last night. I think it was on the Nick Aramis show.
  13. Thanks for the heads up. Just downloaded to Kindle and was looking for some new inspiration. One of the best books I read (a good few years ago) but in a similar vein was 'Last night a DJ saved my life'. Really interesting and well researched book about the history of the DJ, Inc a chapter on Northern Soul iirc.
  14. One of the reasons 'Easy does it' is maybe my favourite all time record. Great lyrics, vocals and percussion - but his guitar playing throughout the track just sets it apart for me. Coupled with the heavenly strings, it's pretty unique imo. Sorry to go off topic!
  15. I'll throw this into the ring as my favourite for Bobby Womack..
  16. @Bocanda I love this edit of the Donna McGhee classic. Also, if you aren't aware of Willie Hutch, I would highly recommend.
  17. OK then... A few of my personal favourites to kick off. I am assuming you will know some of these - but you may not given your lack of knowledge outside LP releases.
  18. I love the lavish productions too. I could post quite a few of those up here, but not necessarily Rare Groove and not necessarily from an album. Most in a similar vein to Randy Brown.
  19. Stand out track for me on Randy Brown - and one of my top 5 all time tracks.
  20. Two albums I love , but are more modern soul than rare groove. Ronn Matlock - Love City. 1979 Randy Brown - Welcome to my room. 1978 On the rare groove side, I can immediately think of a couple of compilations I own that would seem to fit with your likes. Mastercuts - Classic Jazz Funk series Mastercuts - Classic Rare Groove series (3 of compiled by Norman Jay) May be a good starting point to find tracks you like, then source the original artists albums.
  21. I don't like the fake rivets either. And I also like the smaller proportions of the fifty eight. The other BB is a bit too slab sided imo. If I was going for one, I would go for same spec as you. I have got 70 hr reserve on my DJ41 and it's v useful.
  22. Very nice. Is it the Black Bay 58 (blue)? Do you get the choice of bracelet or strap? ....or do you get both with it? I just got two watches back from service yesterday under warranty. But both needed new crystals surprisingly (due to damage being knocked?!?) so it cost over £300 for a regulation! Can't complain though, as snagged this for the Mrs on release in Sept and values holding up well at moment.
  23. Out of interest, a mate was recently in court for headbutting someone and its now classed as an offensive weapon under GBH section 18. I was surprised as in my mind its quite hard not to carry a head around......no matter how offensive it is! The towpath is an awkward one. We live right on it and use it as the footpath to get into Lymm. During lockdown cyclists probably outnumbered walkers 10 to 1. But they are mostly doing it innocently, as the 'no cycling' signs are small and not easy to see.
  24. When they get a vaccine sorted (and I am an optimist here as so many people around the world are working on this. It must happen) things will likely get back to a 'new normal' very quickly. You only had to see what happened in June to August (in those halcyon days when the virus dipped) how quickly life reverted back, as lockdown was eased. I think the worrying thing, is that the longer it takes to get everyone vaccinated, the harder it will be to revert back to old ways, as people will have adapted and changed their lifestyle. After all, humans are creatures of habit and if old habits are lost, new ones are made. But.... these are people who have a lifetime of loving soul music and it always being a major part of their lives. It's possibly the one thing they want back more than anything. So cautiously optimistic from me.
  25. Hate to be a killjoy, but the towpath on the Bridgewater Canal (certainly round Lymm at least) is no cycling. Loads of cyclists use it without realising its forbidden, as they don't see the signs.

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