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Everything posted by Merve

  1. £500 to £600 sounds right. There was one on here last week for £650, don't know if it sold
  2. Out of interest, how much was he asking?
  3. Just looking at others coming up....Dee Dee Sharpe WKOL. An auction item ? £100 for a minter surely ?
  4. Thats how I remember it Andy. Sam. Don't remember it at St Ives though which would probably push it into early 78 ?
  5. Just a thought - Nothing to back it up so only a thought....Its a New York production distributed from New York. Mine was found in Chicago so it could perhaps have been pressed at a local plant rather than hauled from NY ? Would explain the minor differences ? I'd always assumed that the cut off was the square end of a roll of paper as it ran out on the printer, but, have no idea how they printed labels & attached them at the plant - Is this feasible or am I away with the fairy's ?
  6. I bought one in a junk shop in Chicago in 1980 EXACTLY the same as the record pictured by Aging Face even down to the cut off label at the bottom. I couldn't find the raised numbers under the label either but didn't look hard to be fair. So either there was a batch like this or its my old copy. No doubt its original though- I'd be more suspicious of the white demo's if buying to be honest
  7. Yes, my first nighter in Jan 76 (St Ives) I remember The Magic Band- Falbala, Raw Soul-The Gig, EW&F- Biyo, Alpaca Phase III-I like To Party etc etc being played alongside Lou Pride, Yvonne Baker, Pointer Sisters, Rain, Margrett Mandolph, Lynne Vernado etc etc without anyone batting an eyelid. All Northern Soul to me then as now. As I said earlier the music is a backing track to a scene rather than a genre. To be frank I wish it had stayed like that rather than suffering the fall out of the schism between Wigan & Blackpool that seemed to me to be the start of the sub section terms we use today like crossover, modern etc.
  8. I've heard it played out (once) at Bedford Esquires - As you say a chill out record.
  9. Titty Shaker....WTF is that ? We don't know, they do. Sums up why they describe records as Northern Soul - They don't get it like we don't get them ?
  10. Cheers mate Billy Jean....There's been worse. How about Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick (played at Yate )....Thats where my theory falls down
  11. Think a lot of dealers use the term because it sells records. Most outsiders haven't a clue what Northern Soul is, (how could they if they're not on the scene), but labeling a sales record Northern Soul gets attention. Others (non-dealers) just don't get it.....I'm not sure I get it sometimes & I've been on the scene since I was 15. I mean I get the scene, but not the 'Northern Soul' as a genre of music. For example, to an outsider, how can some Bobby Goldsborough records be Northern Soul & others not when none of them are soul records? How can some Eddie Holman records be defined as Northern Soul but not others - They're all soul? How can Mel Britt be Northern Soul alongside The Crow - Totally different. The thing that IMO makes a record Northern Soul is that the record is/was played at nighters, which doesn't make a genre of music but is the soundtrack to a scene. This would make the records used as examples Northern Soul even though the author of the thread thinks not. Its confusing to us, let alone the fella's across the pond selling 45s on ebay. Best to just give a semi knowing smile & move on to the next listing
  12. Can't answer that as I never went to The Mecca. Remember hearing it somewhere in 75/76 when I first started doing nighters and thinking WTF !...Probably St Ives As you say, shocking .....Can I have more please Love it too
  13. There we have it then - Thanks
  14. Thanks mate - 69 it seems to be then. Yes, was a Pat Brady play at The Fleet in 79. To be honest I only ever remember him playing it before it got booted but I'm sure others can correct me if I'm wrong....The Crow was played far earlier, 75 ish A great record
  15. I prefer part 2 as it goes ! Any idea what year it was recorded ? Someone once told me it was 1969 (sounds feasible) but I've no idea where he got that date from.
  16. I'd have probably gone to around £325 if I'd have remembered.....A lot rarer than some that have hit the £600 to £1000 mark recently
  17. I wish I'd have had another punt on the Rex Garvin - I forgot until too late
  18. What was Roy Willis - Teardrops ? (on Ginger's list) Looking at the plays I'd guess Summer 77 rather than 76 ?
  19. Was this ever released? Mines a promo. All the other copies I've seen are promo's.....Anyone ever come across an issue ? Cheers
  20. Yep, I soon learned not to wear a white shirt at Wigan. Does anyone else remember how the condensation would cascade down the walls on the stairs between the record bar & the balcony ? I used to stand there for a fag & a cool down
  21. This is one of mine. Memories of St Ives in that hot summer of 76 ......Its pretty dire
  22. Sure was mate
  23. Was it you that came home in my car from Wigan with the LP Rob.....Or was it Tony ?
  24. Yes mate, I think Sam & Richard were playing it as a newie at the same time. I heard Sam play it at the Fleet one week & Richard at Wigan the next, (or the other way round)

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