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Everything posted by Merve

  1. One up now for £650 !!!! I agree, its a 100 to 200 sound depending upon condition
  2. Anyone on here got a clue about whats happening here ? Universal Tracking say 11 May 202206:40 Departed. Your item departed a transfer airport in HEATHROW, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM on May 11, 2022 at 6:40 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM The Post Office say This item is now leaving the originating country. More information will be available when it arrives in the UK. So what's going on ? One of them isn't right & I've had it in limbo for 13 days now without an update. Any help appreciated - Cheers
  3. I wasn't sure about Angela Davis either.Or The Contacts. But, don't want to be putting down a great attempt at capturing the sounds of St Ives in 76 and 77. Good shout on Stanley Woodruff which was massive at St Ives. I'd add Lainie Hill, Eric Lomax and Betty Boo as well.
  4. Loved St Ives too. Not wishing to be pedantic but Curtis didn't come out until 79 which was 2 years after the nighters were closed.....nice set though mate. Thanks
  5. A couple of tunes that would have packed the floor back in the day. Doubt if anyone will spin them out now though
  6. Yes, deffo Sidras theme creeping in
  7. Talking of new releases does anyone rate 'War Paint' by The Monophonics ?....Does it for me as well ...Kelly Finnigan on vocals I think
  8. Played Yeah Yeah. Good as well but Better Days edges it for me
  9. I heard Better Days as well mate & have been searching to see if its being released as a single on vinyl....Doesn't look like it unless you know different ? An absolute belter of a record
  10. Every day a school day ! I never new there was a version without the break.
  11. Yes, Scrub Board has always had that break in it
  12. They only take the fee if you win. You don't have to pay for losing snipes. I haven't used them for some time so feel free to correct me if things have changed.
  13. ....Just a thought, is it normal for your bid which was lower than the winning bid to register as a bid anyway if you put it on after he did ? I never check to see if my bid shows if I lose.
  14. Only for the first 3 snipes & then you have to pay don't you ?
  15. Yes, thats what I was about to post. You put it over better than I would have too !
  16. Just as good IMO. Just doesn't tick the nostalgia box like Shametts
  17. Kenny Smith £388....Could perhaps go with that for the issue (at a push), but the demo's a £100 sound to me
  18. Does anyone remember the kind of skipping dance that is usually attributed to The Flasher but was also prevalent when records like I Like To Party - Alpaca Phase III, Roberta Kelly - Troublemaker, Al Foster - Night of The Wolf, 8th Avenue Band - The Whole Thing etc were played ?...It came & disappeared in the space of around of 6 months never to be seen again?
  19. To be honest with the recent madness in these auctions I expected it to go for more
  20. One of Sam's 1st's if I remember right in 78....Could be wrong now you mention it though because I too remember it at The KGB but don't remember him playing there. Remember him hammering it at The Fleet.
  21. Good luck with getting that transaction done then !
  22. Think we will have to agree to disagree on this one mate.
  23. Personally, I would say that this process would de-value the record even more than if it were left without labels. The whole point of owning an original above a pressing/boot/re-issue is its total authenticity

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