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Everything posted by Merve

  1. Hi Mike, As I remember it, (and it was a few years back !), in 1978 Wigan was at a low point in every respect. Musically the scene had drifted first to Cleggy then St Ives, then Yate & R.S. was the only one left flying the flag at Wigan while others were playing the likes of Joe 90 & rubbish british pop like stuff. There was also the barb epidemic....... Numbers were dwindling apart from the monthly oldies nights & the management made this Billboard top disco up as one of many publicity stunts to try & get the numbers back up. I remember a conversation around that time in the dressing room to the back left of the stage as you look at it involving several several people (heavily involved with The Casino management) who were openly laughing about it being a ruse. I'm not going to name names - as I say it was a long time ago & only one person persists in perpetuating the story. That's the reason I have never believed this story. If anyone can produce evidence to the contrary I'm happy to eat humble pie & say that the conversation I heard was the ruse, but I think I'll be having a long wait.
  2. You never know......... I didn't mention Richards name, you did & it wasn't him my dig was aimed at - but until anyone has the nerve to dispel the myths about Billboard, millions through the door at Wigan, no drug busts, etc etc I stand by my same old rubbish statement. If Richard or anyone else do this on Craig Charles show I will apologize unreservedly !
  3. Got to say I'm at the stage now where any main stream media outlet that mentions Wigan or Northern Soul is avoided like the plague. Same old rubbish usually spouted by the same suspects who by now have convinced themselves that they are telling the truth, (we all know who the main culprit is), and repeated as fact by cretins who know no better..... It's a parallel universe I have no wish to populate. If you know you know as they say.
  4. Interesting that Ady. I wonder if that's where Sam had his original from he was playing out at St Ives in early 77 bearing in mind Gloria Jones played St Ives in 76 and MB was there with her.....always up for a theory me.
  5. I found out about this the hard way after buying a copy in the record bar at Wigan I have no idea how you would know a good one from a bad one without playing it if you can't tell by the release numbers Are the times and composers the same on both?
  6. Facebook amazes me. They send someone to FB jail for posting a record cover yet let raw gratuitous violence on the site without batting an eyelid - Some sicko even posted a video of ISIS burning some people to death on my page a couple of years back. Just can't see why that cover could be considered 'porn'. Agree with Mike about the Barbara McNair photos - Not really the place to post playboy spreads is it?
  7. My mistake then. Apologies.....did they start up again later on or have I completely lost the plot?
  8. Winter Gardens was still running....pretty sure I went after 76
  9. Yes. From 77 to 79 apart from a few of Richard's spins all the top newies seemed to be being broken at St Ives, Cleggy and Yate. In 76 Cleggy was deffo way ahead of all the others. Can't comment on The Mecca as I never went but have been told that a lot of spins later big at other venues were first played there. IMO of course
  10. Were the demos ever booted?
  11. Hope you are right about Karma. These ba---ard- deserve it ! How will they shift big ticket numbers without being noticed...They have got to have been nicked to order from another collector.
  12. That may have been Dave's. He told me he was thinking of selling when I visited. Too rich for my blood back then. EDIT Probably not Dave's copy as the seller is still a member on here whilst Dave is sadly no longer with us
  13. Apart from the copy Sam had back in the day and Dave's copy I haven't seen any at all. Let alone for sale
  14. Dave Fleming (rip) had a copy about 15 years ago when I visited his record room during a visit
  15. Don't remember The Emotions getting played but Smokey Robinson-Theme from the Big Time was huge at St Ives around that time as a new release as was Centre City
  16. PM with condition and price please Cheers
  17. Been after one of those for ages. They don't show up often. I've often wondered if the white label 'demos' are in fact demo's or just issues from another plant as theres no mention of promotion copy or not for sale on them.
  18. You don't see many of these around either.
  19. Quite Rare ?
  20. Fair enough. Thought I'd be reluctant to put it beyond the technology of the bootleggers, particularly as they are presumed to have done it with 78s (different material obviously). But as you say, they would need to put a lot of effort in even if it is possible.
  21. Back on topic, has anyone ever seen a demo of the Stallion issue? Does a demo exist?
  22. I agree, but if you were going to make truly convincing boots wouldn't it be possible to recycle vinyl from that era? A genuine question that as I haven't a clue if that would be possible.
  23. The Boot boot was one of the infamous 'PB' offerings I think. Must be fairly rare in its own right I guess
  24. Yes summer of 76....just don't mention California Strut, it may just get you crucified by the soul police

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