Whilst agreeing about Stafford the same could be said about Cleethorpes, St Ives, Yate, The Fleet, Clifton Hall etc. A lot of sounds from other venues pushed the scene into a fresh direction.
Not quite the first to play it. It was big at Ady's 6Ts does. Tony introduced it to the nighter scene as described previously.
Other plays Tony got minor success with at The Fleet in that period were Peggy Scott-You've got it all and New Censation- I've got nothing but time. He wasn't scared to be a bit different......on many levels
We had been to a Friday night do at The Railway in West Hampstead (60ts). It was mainly late 50s and early 60s R&B. Nina Simone was played and I bet Tony Warot he wouldn't dare play it out at a nighter. He did, at The Fleet the following night. That was late 79.
The Fleet. If you are looking at the stage there's a door to the right of the stage. Go through there and turn left into the corridor and the oldies room is on the right hand side of the corridor. It was like a small classroom with kids pictures on the wall with the tables and chairs removed. It was open every nighter I went to there from 78 on.
I was told that the red mid 70s issue was a legitimate re issue pressed with the original stamps. I have no evidence to say one way or another- its just what I was told many years ago.
So, are the red mid/late 70s jobs boots or legitimate? Any one know?