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Paul holmes

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Everything posted by Paul holmes

  1. It’s the same around here too.apparently the bad state of the roads has been noted and the pot holes will be re-instated as soon as possible
  2. Hi .there's a lot of info out there all about the torch .A few photos too of the venue ,including the one outside by the fire exit. The black and white ones were the mix sixties /opening year snaps with original decor.Some colour ones too of venue people ,also one of Major Lance with the same crowd in Chris Burton's office next to the window that looked out onto Hose street. I've posted A lot of colour shots of my recently completed Golden Torch scale model with the different black all over colour scheme. Was on the free basing lounge section but I think it's probably moved now.
  3. I've got details of the general floor plan and some photo's//images available but can anyone supply me further details about the layout of entrance into the club ? Was it parallel to the street ? A rough sketch would be good . Also was it close to one of the other roads ? I didn't go as you can guess !! But would like to draw up some rough plans if poss
  4. A bit late reading all the comments !!!! I'm looking for more info about the floor plan and decor of the club .I know there's a shortage of photos from back then but can anyone help with rough drawings of the general layout ,seating plans office positions, etc.etc..approx measures would help too. If I get enough detail I intend making a scale model of the club,thanks
  5. The photo of the group was taken outside of the Golden Torch club .probably close to it's opening in 1965.They were called the Tennesscians who were local people maybe ? The guy in the middle leaning against the car was the torch,'s resident dj Barmy Barry . The bespectacled bloke is the owner Chris Burton sitting in his may
  6. Hi all. I’ve posted the final photos of the torch model .I’ve tried to tie in some of them as a comparison to a few of the old black and white photos. Also some test plans for the next project.
  7. That’s my interpretation too. I have looked back to my info library and there is a quotation from Chris Burton in blues and soul magazine,103 or there abouts . He talks of the future - quote : factuallywe are doing some rebuilding upstairs where the bar is now .we are going to extend it across the main ballroom,it will certainly add to the capacity but it will not affect the viewing of live acts.our motto has always been that acts have to be seen. my mate has all the back copies of blues and soul so I will check them again . the work goes on .am building chairs right now ! I wish IKEA did small sizes!
  8. Thanks for your comments Rick. The extension of the main balcony is just my listening/reading of comments made by some people .One was that the entrance to the new part was by small stair .the rest is just me trying to interpret the comments I’ve read . I assumed this was via the stairs in the main old coffee bar area that led up to the offices ?!! the only other areas for new part s would be over the dressing rooms via the stairs either side of the stage but this would restrict veiws of the stage !!? Am I wrong?! One of the old photos shows a very grainy image to make assume this was so . Anyone know ?I can change this as the balcony is removable on the model .those old photos helped me draw up the plans and work on measurements. May be adding a few figures if my skills alow
  9. Table,desk,records,record cases,speakers,bench seating,amp .chairs and tables to do yet
  10. Ta ‘El Corol’ !! That’s a brilliant name there . I’ve drawn up plans for cleethorpes from 1975 where the correct colours are used.have not got interior info to finish them yet.I went ,but only used the pier not the winter gardens .it’s a long time ago and memories get muddled.anyone help there ? Also the catacombs are being looked at
  11. Thanks Seano, it’s coming on nicely and have started work with a few internal details to give a better feel of the place . Its only 30 x 20mm so awkward to replicate
  12. Only went once in March 74 so my own recollection is not good. If I can get enough info it might be one for later.they take time ,drawing up plans then building.I’ve spent well over 8 months so far on this model
  13. Hi Chris. Yes it has , the main balcony was over the entrance and went right across that end of the intierior .I will post more of the model that shows this .after the nighters there started Chris Burton wanted more room for the punters so an extra balcony was added over the old coffee bar area .once more all this will be incorporated in the final build
  14. Hi Jessie,yes have heard one or two versions on the topic,but I will work on the only banner I’ve seen photos of . The model it’s self is far from finished with lots of smaller details to add I’ve not included all images too! As I said because of the scale it’s a pain with interpreting all I’d like too.will post more later ,ta for your reply
  15. New scale model of the golden torch 1972/73. Smaller than the original now with the black interior decoration.with the original plans NA for me it’s used from plans I’ve drawn up so artistic license is used ,sorry about that but it’s only 1/87 scale.( half size ) nice comments please guys ,it’s a covid project

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