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Everything posted by Soulmark

  1. Anybody have the dynells for sale original only thanks mark
  2. So sorry had some great nights at orrell over the years thank you mark
  3. until

    Is this event going ahead
  4. What a fantastic tribute to Marc farley by Shaun gibbons brilliant tunes great memories Marc really did have a great taste in music thank you shaun
  5. Play girls love fantastic record r i p
  6. Chandlers your love makes me lonely original col sol thanks mark
  7. Just been informed former Morecambe pier DJ and casino regular has passed away
  8. Anybody have a original for sale thanks mark
  9. After original I want a love I can see thanks mark
  10. Ted Taylor now sorted cheers mark
  11. Anybody got a okeh demo of ted Taylor somebody’s always trying original only thanks mark
  12. Technics all the way
  13. Fantastic tribute on mixcloud to keith by Dave Evison with Colin Curtis keith really was a pioneer to our great scene r i p my friend
  14. First met keith 78 outside casino with his wooden box of 45s became good friends bought some top tunes off him over the years sad loss r i p keith
  15. Hi anybody got belita woods magic corner for sale original only thanks mark
  16. Pm sent
  17. No dancing what is the point
  18. Hi Chris looking for a record belita woods magic corner looked on your site but no joy looked everywhere any ideas were I might find a copy thanks mark
  19. Anyone have one of these for sale original only thanks mark
  20. Happy birthday Keith first met Keith waiting for casino to open 78 with his wooden box of records great days thanks mark
  21. Soulmark

    Tami Lynn R.I.P

    Thanks for the memories r i p Tammi Lynn
  22. Proper northern soul DJ legend r i p Tony
  23. Remember rarest of the rare fantastic nights

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