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Everything posted by Soulmark

  1. Sat with Gloria Jones for four hours at Prestatyn interesting
  2. Frank Wilson Cala gran bouncing
    What a brilliant night at burscough all DJs fantastic job music off the scale will definitely be back thanks mark
  3. Only place to be on the 14th top draw line up
  4. Bored with scene at the moment same old oldies they were playing 10 years ago
    What a great night at the mvps good music great DJs well done Jamie you should try this soul night people great venue till next time cheers mark
  5. Butch ted Massey for me
  6. Yes great nights in ms remember Steve whittle at Lancaster catholic club great times
  7. Two records that took me forever and a day to obtain capitals I can’t deny that I love you on omen and true image I’m not over you yet super smash cheers mark
  8. Soulmark

    Detroit A Go Go


    Well done Phil and Kim dick for a fantastic weekend artist just brilliant even got to hold a copy of j d Bryant I won’t be coming back on original shrine wow massive thank you to John Parker for that thanks again mark
  9. Hey goldsoul I must of hit a raw nerve but sometimes the truth hurts
  10. Goldsoul events enough said
  11. Anyone have two tickets for sale for the august Blackpool tower weekender thanks mark
  12. Well boys what a fantastic night great turnout not a seat to be had caught belly’s spot great tunes well done to everyone involved see you in October thanks mark
  13. Now sorted thanks mark
  14. Cheapie wanted Denise la salle here I am again thanks mark
  15. Dunkenhalgh summer in the park on same day
  16. Yes Neil got to say rueben Howell class tune bought a few years ago when it was cheap thanks mark
  17. Clarence Murray and belita woods
  18. Thanks George now sorted
  19. Anyone have the ballads I can’t see your love for sale thanks mark
  20. I was lucky enough to meet dean at Wigan shopping mall what a guy thanks for the great memories r i p dean thanks mark
  21. Just heard Monaco soul nights in Wigan is finishing with soul nights can anybody tell me if this is true thanks mark
  22. Anyone have two tickets for sale for 3rd July 100 club night thanks mark
  23. until

    Hi will you be able to dance as just been told no dancing at weddings thanks mark

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