Here's a nice story concerning the Phonetics 45 on Trudel. Circa 1981, myself and tim ashibende arrived back from a US record trip with a bunch of 45s, which included a couple of hundred unknowns (unknown to us, that is) In there was a copy of the phonetics "dont love get you down" Not a bad record we thought, but not a record that was going to shake the Northen soul scene as it was then.
Over the next couple of years we picked up a few other copies of that title and tried to flog them to various collectors. Dean Anderson was one such collector who showed an interest in a copy and I duly took it to various allniters where Dean frequented, hoping that he would relieve me of the 45. On various occasions, (luckily for me, as you will later understand) I was not able to get Dean to part with his money.
One day later as I was sorting through the box of unknowns, I noticed that the copy that had been destined for Dean had a different flip side to the copy that I had kept previously. It had the title "just a boys dream" and had the release number, Trudel 1007/1008. Upon playing it and to my great surprise, I found that it was Richard S's old eddie holman c/u. I couldn't believe my luck and also couldn't wait to tell Dean what he had missed out on. Dean took the information in his stride and wished me well with the record.
One thing it did remind me to do and that's always check out the flip side of every record that I buy.