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Everything posted by Neckender

  1. A Pat Brady spin in the terminal days of the Casino.
  2. hi gilly, my copy of that Just Brothers is on Lupine.
  3. Myself and tim ashibende went to detroit in 1979 and went over to Cappys record Mart. I still have the address details from back then and so i checked on google to see if it still exists and it looks like there was a fire at the property. Really sad to see these iconic record shops being destroyed.
  4. Tim ash & myself found two rod keith records with the same backing track as 'like the lord said' but not that title you mentioned. He must have had some faith in that backing track. Guy certainly liked it!!
  5. Myself and tim ash got into the House of Sounds in Phila. and the first thing we come across was a skip full of Cashing In. Must have been a couple of thousand copies and we didn't bother buying any, even at 25 cents each. We had a look to see if there was any dj copies, but there wasn't. Then finding another large load of them at Jim Stapleton's place, in Memphis; probably another thousand copies and leaving them well alone. The old days of plenty !!
  6. I got one in the 9ts on a record trip. Great record and good memories of that particular allniter. Nice choice Gilly.
  7. It predates the 8ts and stafford, as Soul Bowl listed it now and again in the 7ts. I got a copy off bob cattaneo from daly city on my first visit. He had so many obscure records with nice labels like the Blue Soul imprint.
  8. original acetate: where was the information on the auction to verify that it was authentic?
  9. I assume you bang to bangers? I think its a term used by hipsters who've infiltrated the Northern scene.
  10. My colleague has a red issue of the jimmy hart. Not the same format as the copy that you have above; but follows the format of the dj copies with the full title.
  11. The flip side is "by the front door"
  12. Have a good look at it; it does say that its a dj copy.
  13. Just got a message from tim ashibende about Toby. Very very sad news. He was very well liked by the Stoke soul crowd, where he came and lived for a while during the mid seventies. A 100 club and cleethorpes regular; he'll be sadly missed by us all. bUTCH
  14. Hi Paul, the Love Love (Love for me) side, on AMG, is a poor recording when comparing it to the Baba version.
  15. "In fact for the Little Ritchie and around 70 others I was quite prepared for Alex to pop down to nearest river and embrace Jesus !" Rod at his best, brilliant !!
  16. I got danny woods-correctone £1.25 (richard would later play it at the casino) also johnny rodgers-amon 50p (later a stafford monster) and during one stafford allnighter, five copies of chuck holiday-just can't trust nobody at £20 each. Hard to believe now!
  17. I recall in 1979, myself and tim ash, getting a tip off and a lift to an office block in manhattan, which i think was johnny world's company office. There were some 45s for sale and in amongst them was 200 copies of colalined baby. I think we bought a hundred copies, but we knew it wasn't an in demand record, selling at the time for £2 to £3. When we got them back to the Northern scene , nobody was really interested in buying a copy. Eventually, I think we unloaded most of them with johnny manship and i remember him still having them many years later!
  18. RE. Vise-chocolate mama records. I don't think it was ian clark who scratched the address off the initial batch. Yes, ian did eventually track down the owner of the record and managed to get an unknown quantity of the 45 (with the PO Box label address) and ultimately got a bunch of re-issues made (copies without the label address) I was wondering if anyone else had noticed that the initial batch copies (i think from soul bowl) had a yellow coloured label, whereas the later copies were a peach coloured label? (both assumed to be original, as both had the PO Box 394 address) Both copies had the same label typeface and stamps in the dead wax.
  19. getting plays at the 100 club.
  20. More very average gospel; i personally cant do with religious lyrics within corrupting the scene's music.
  21. Eddie Holman - Where I'm Not Wanted: the only way to own it:

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