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Everything posted by Neckender

  1. NO, £4 on the main list.
  2. andy, which release are you looking for? I have both, but one is a lot rarer than the other, mark
  3. Andy D told me that Dave was ill some months ago, but it was still a shock to see the bad news. Another top man who loved his Soul music. 2018 has been a bad year for losing so many of our friends.
  4. Ive met some fantastic people on the Scene and Dave was no exception. Always upbeat and positive and deeply appreciated Soul music. The Scene is a lesser place without him.
  5. It was a soul bowl £1 special and appeared quite often on their lists. I found 59 mint copies in columbus, so not that rare. But demand drives prices.
  6. A couple of decades ago, dave withers had a few copies and like chalky said, there were some differences in the intros.
  7. Myself and Pablo in Bob May's record shop in 1979. Tim Ashibende is also with us, taking the picture.
  8. I have the Attraction's inst. too, but on the US press.
  9. not sought after as a reissue, but as an original.
  10. This is a Tim Ashibende discovery, around 1981. I can't remember which dj he sold it to; maybe gary rushbrooke, who we were quite close to at the time. As i remember, Tim wasn't that keen on it and was glad to part with it.
  11. I was at tim brown's place in the late 8ts/early 9ts (can't remember exactly when) and he told me that he'd just got one of the best unknowns for a long time and he played me the two sides covered up. It wasn't for sale; he just wanted me to hear it and i wasn't unimpressed!! I assumed Martin K had found it, but i later heard that it had been discovered by Craig Moerer and sent to Anglo American. Ill ask Craig to confirm this sometime, or someone else can.
  12. Although its difficult to remember all the titles, i do remember the Fabulous Jades-Rika, Superlatives-Uptite & Carl Henderson-that girl-Renfro. All a bit disconcerting at the time.
  13. chris, we went to the US in 1979 and found some Northern bootlegs in amongst the original records.
  14. Soulbowl discovery (one of many) in the early 8ts. Very expensive it was too.
  15. I got it from Bob Cattaneo, from one of his now famous lists. I think i may have traded it with Guy at some point, but can't remember the finer details. At the time, the division of Bay Luv records grabbed my attention.
  16. Big O, i have this record on a frankford wayne stamped test pressing. Flip side is 'glad you're home' (my preferred side of the two)
  17. i have it, but ill have to dig in the shite box to find it.
  18. Eddie, Lewie's copy came from richard searling; the first copy we had seen in the flesh, when he bought it down to an alldayer. I think that most of the copies that people have seen, have been recycled between collectors, which makes it look like there are more, than a few, in existence.
  19. The congress original has a stamped 'R' in the deadwax.

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