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Reissue55 last won the day on August 17 2021

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  • Top Soul Sound
    The vontastics never let your love grow cold

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    Old twat who lives dancing to soul music

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  1. The mill on sunbridge road bradford went to a techno night there, Mainly to hear Ben sims ,anyway after his set went to the top floor where there was a chillout space no sonner had we set foot in there , On comes curtiss Blandon , in the long run!
  2. Okay , I didn't have a false recall , anyhow , we bought a boot or re issue or whatever it is , she is overjoyed to own a copy that's all that counts . Thanks for your replies peephole
  3. What a brilliant aft3noon wrong man was played , Simon was the right man for the job to play it , what can I say about Neil , always ace , , and John Reynolds bloody fantastic , only regret is missing lodgie , old friends a special surprise , new friends made which put the cherry on the cake .
  4. Have a bid goin on on a pressing of this at moment , but I thought I'd seen this on a compilation album can anyone confirm this
  5. What about hall and Oates?
  6. Why worry about the supposed demise of a format when you can let an algorithm give you the blues instead. Music is great to discover on your own , but it is even better when it's shared.
  7. Big seven by judge dredd and max Romeo wet dream, Archie bell here I go again, George mcray ,
  8. I was living just a hop skip and jump away in kings cross back then ,some great tales about that night , as Sid Barnes was sitting at table with my friends ed and neet . I seem to remember gettin out the cab at end of keystone crescent which was in total darkness and falling down a big hole outside the house which had been dug to locate the electricity supply to the street which had been cut during work in the daytime, Irish Greg played extended judy freeman acetate of hold on . .
  9. until

  10. Reissue55


    Aw pete R.I.P and viv thats lovely
  11. Well that was a bloody cracking anniversary, both rooms had some fantastic music on the decks some completely new stuff id not heard before. One from lawrence proxton as he started the freestyle room up played some brilliant funk and although he showed us the sleeve of the tune with the artists name its a blur now, something like the detroit if either city playboys or something . And Ethan howarth played a millie jackson tune just before dave rimmer took over , again the name of it has gone , grateful thanks and congratulations to sian and everyone who wirked so hard to make the night such roaring success and maintained such quality over twenty flippin years ! Phenomenal.
  12. There really was some bloody brilliant music contributed by every dj , throughout,a proper christmas cracker
  13. Happy birthday Joan x
  14. That was a lovely night . The atmosphere in both rooms had a joy and a poignancy i wont forget in long time !

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