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Andy Northwood

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Everything posted by Andy Northwood

  1. My parcel arrived from John this morning so I’m sure everyone else’s will be close behind
  2. Definitely the Mecca for me, so up my street so to speak, and Wigan before the Joe 90 days, mainly to experience the absolute buzz of hearing so many new tunes being broken. I was born in 70 so sadly too late for either of the above
  3. I remember a dark corridor off the main room at the fleet, I’m sure a few record dealers would sell stuff along there, and think there was a smaller room at the end of it but it’s years ago so I could be imagining the second room
  4. The Superbs On A Day When It’s Raining
  5. I’m sure I remember seeing Johnny Honeycut on one of Johns lists in the late 80’s for £600, before Rudzy put out the reissue or whatever you call it. I expected it to go for way more than that, kinda puts recent purchases into question now lol
  6. Hi Is warren Ray still available please? Andy
  7. One finished on John’s auction Oct 21 for £568
  8. Thanks for everything Mike
  9. I wonder if the Tiaras was the same one that sold on eBay last month, it’s a nice quick profit it it is
  10. Loved Keele in the early 90’s, I have my membership card stored somewhere safe, as well as a couple of anniversary patches. I do remember chatting to a girl from Hastings called Helen I believe, we saw her there often and often wonder if she’s still on the scene
  11. Thanks all, your help is appreciated. It’s only a £50 tune so 20% VAT isn’t gonna break the bank. I did get charged import duty on a Darlene Love from the US a few years back now, but that came over by boat in a big box, everything air freight has been fine
  12. Has anyone reading this bought a 45 from Europe recently? Just wondering if there are any implications with postage, hidden charges etc. Thanks in advance
  13. Looking for a copy of The Groovers I’m A Bashful Guy on Teri De please

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