I ordered on the 28th and records haven’t been processed yet, I phoned earlier this week and they said that there had been over 2,000 sales. Need more staff I think .
Doveside Social Club, Hatton, nr Burton on Trent, Presents 5 hrs of Northern, Motown & Crossover music, and some forgotten oldies all on vinyl.
DJ,s for the nite , George Fairless , Mick Bassett & Steve Kretna.
Free car park, within walking distance of Hatton Railway Station, and 2 miles from A50 Burton on Trent junc.
NOTE NEW TIME 7.30-12.30
£4 OTD.
Dove side social club, Hatton , nr Burton on Trent, presents 5 hrs of Northern, Motown and Crossover soul, and some forgotten oldies, all on vinyl.
Dj's for the nite George Fairless Mick Bassett and Chris Lethbridge.
Free Car Park and also within walking distance of Hatton Railway Station and just 2 miles from the A50 Burton on Trent junction.
PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME. 7.30 - 12.30pm.
£4 OTD.