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Everything posted by publisher220

  1. Excellent review Damian, your words expressed my thoughts as well. Dave was definitely a complex character with varied interests and views. Knowing of him for many years, but not knowing him personally, I found the book an excellent read. The contributions from others were often entertaining, and probably brutally honest as well at times. As I mentioned to the author some months ago when ordering the book I first got to know about Dave when he arrived at the Anvil, and it was a local newspaper article about this time that happened to mention his link with Northern Soul that informed me about his past exploits. The book fleshed out what little I knew, and gave me a whole new insight into the man. Living in Sheffield I did go to the Anvil once or twice, but simply don't recollect ever seeing Dave there. The book is excellent, and should be required reading for anyone interested in finding out more about a fascinating man.
  2. I'm using a mixture of Mixcraft (to record the vinyl), Wave Corrector (to take the worst of the pops and crackles out) and then Audio Cleaning Lab to split the LPs into individual tracks and export as WAV files. ACL will even out the volume quite well with just one click, so final digital sound is very similar to the precious vinyl!
  3. I bought Volume 1 of the Northern Soul Story many years ago, but don't even remember playing it. However I am currently converting my vinyl to digital format and was simply horrified at how bad the quality is on most of the tracks on the LPs when I came to play the album! I thought my new stylus was at fault first, but a quick check with other LPs soon proved that was not the case. I've given up on this album sadly, will have to track down the tracks elsewhere , or at least some of them ;-)

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