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Bully Boy

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Everything posted by Bully Boy

  1. I have the Bobby Taylor - Oh I've Been Blessed on Red Wax . Bought a Kim Tolliver on Tayster recently - "Where Were You" when it came it is on a Purple Wax with Black Flecks in it - Very Strange!! Bully!
  2. Thread In Media done last weekend about Beat ballads, with quite a few tunes on ther to listen to? Bully!
  3. "hi, have bought prince phillip mitchell cd top of the line of internet, bought it on other people on other web sites saying how good a soul artist he is, and this album is his best, anyone on here got this album or rate him " One Word Only Mate - ESSENTIAL. Same as Gav says, he is up there with the best of them, Nobody, and I Mean NOBODY sings a Philip Mitchell song quite like Philip Mitchell. One of the best by him (IMVHO) is "There's Another In My Life" on Event. SOUL as Deep as you like and then some!!! Again Essential, you will quite easily pick this up ( for a tenner ). I suggest that you do so. Also not mentioned is his "Top Of The Line" album which includes the Modern Monster - "I'm So Happy" and also the Class " If It Ain't Love, It I'll Go Away". I believe the Grapevine CD is all unreleased stuff. Bully
  4. SOULFUL HOUND - THANKS VERY MUCH FOR THAT!!! The Johnnie Mae Matthews that is Not So Sure about the Bill Baker though Just Need Mr Biggerstaff to grace us wi his presence and do the biz wi Phil Flowers Where are you PAT!!
  5. Hiya Steve, Do Not Know how to post up tunes, (Only Wish I Did). I actually knew the Phil Flowers version first, it was Pat Biggerstaff who actually told me that there was a version by the Mellow Fellows, which it turned out that I alreay had My Baby Needs Me. So flipped it over and had a listen. So I would say that Pat is your man for posting up the Phil Flowers version, I know that he knows how to do it (Post Tunes Up that is), and would say that he would defo have it? Bully!
  6. VERY MANY THANKS to both Pat Bickerstaff and also Chalky - Two of the tunes posted up where right up my street Jimmy Radcliffe - My Ship is Coming In Faye Crawford - What Have I Done Wrong both slid to the top of the bulmeisters wants list!!! GREAT STUFF FOLKS Beat Ballads are one of my favourite Soulful genres! Keep Postin Folks Do Not Have a Scooby Doo how to post, but surely Johnnie Mae Matthews - I Have No Choice must be considered as a Beat Ballad (if not the Best Beat Ballad), although it would also be classed as one of the Best Soul Tunes by some ( Me Included) Chalky, please post it up for me!!!!!! Bully!
  7. Russ, Have to agree with Sean on this one, You will Regret this Forver and that gap in someones Detroit collection will Sadly be YOURS. When it goes as big as it should, how much will it cost to fill that gap. The Answer is you Never Will. Do Not Sell It Mate Bully!
  8. Carl Carlton..Fantastic double sider for sure if you like your crossover Can Only Reitterate what Little Stevie has said, any one who does not know this buy it, it is like a Sainsburys BOGOF offer. It Surely is a Twofer!!!! If Not Known, Buy It Blind Bully
  9. John, What About Stopping Drinking The Rest Will Be Easy To Do
  10. Your Spelling Could do with a little effort too! John
  11. I seem to think that we have had this conversation before Darcy And like I told you then " They Do Not Put Bay Windows on Shite Houses, Do They" Get My Drift Darcy!!!!! The Bulmeister
  12. Must Have Been A Plant Pot for an Oak Tree to go round Tats. Although, I have Noticed that it had to be cut in half, to accomadate the girth of Mr Taylor!
  13. I thought that you would have had a Sean Hampsey CD swap for sale in the rare CD section Steve! Jus' Kiddin' Sean
  14. McKinley Jackson Strikes Again!!!!!!! What A Man Musical Genius
  15. Kev what about the Natural Four NO Never Yes You Did Forget Somebody! Bully!
  16. QUOTE (Sean Hampsey @ Nov 30 07, 12:46 AM) On Your Way Home C & The Shells Cotillion. Awesome! Sean Yes Would have to Agree with You On that One Sean MANY MANY THANKS for putting The Bulmeister on to that one!! Thing is though, I have put loads of people on to it already. But I have Not Took the credit for it Sean, That My Friend is all Yours!!!! TOP DRAWER SOUND MATE!! Would Not Expect Any Other Really Mate! And I am sure that all the people that I have spread the word to, will agree with me on that! The Bulmeister!
  18. THANKS FOR THAT SEAN & JASON!! I Know that Tats and Myself are really looking forward to this one, hopefully will attract one or two on the night. With reference to DaveKD's post. Things on the 24th at Monumental by the guests will be very much 70's crossover. As opposed to Modern. So if that is your bag, then get to MENTAL!!! Bully!
  19. Yes I have also got yours this morning Colin, just walked in and it was there sitting for me. Will play in the car on the way to work tomorrow Cheers Bully!
  20. QUOTE(Darks @ Nov 3 2007, 10:42 AM) It came out on a double vinyl comp entitled "JAZZFUSIONS THREE" on Beachwood Music BMG in 1995. It appears to be a comtemporanous release with the oringinal CD back in 1995 as on the brief note that accompanies the track it mentions that it is from Mark's latest album. The LP has only four tracks to each side which might be the one that Eddie is referring to. I did hear that Mark was Marv Johnsons son but can't confirm whether there is any truth is in this. Some people still believe Tats Taylor is Johnnie Taylors brother . I have to say that this was overplayed to the point of embarrasment back in 1995. Great smooth soul if you like that sort of thing. I know I do. Regards Alan So Tats isn't Johnnies brother? Blake Tats is Johnnie's Father Not Brother! Posted Today, 10:42 AM
  21. Amazing that Patrick, he only lives 2 minutes from me and mine's not arrived yet. What's up Bull? ! Making me pay for my 6 month delay? Or are you gonna give it me on Saturday night? You Can Also Have your CD Sean, Although you are about 5 years too young for me The Bulmeister
  22. All Mine in the post this morning, so you should have them tomorrow. Apart from you Angie, yours may take a little longer! Cheers Bully
  23. Just Packaging Mine Up, Will Be With The Postie Tomorrow Enjoy Bully!
  24. I vote for Fraser to join in as well Pat I totally agree, The More The Merrier!!! Bully
  25. Picked up 6 copies of this in 97 in Baltimore 5 Pink Issues 1 White Demo 40 cents each!! Bargain! All Gone Now Though, Sadly

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