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Bully Boy

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Everything posted by Bully Boy

  1. Please check if you get a mo. Got me very intrigued. Probably won't sleep tonight now! Sean Yes Sean that is RIGHT, But Surely That Is Because you are on NIGHT FEED DUTIES Sean BEST BULLY
  2. Shep I thought you already had a copy of this why do you want another copy
  3. Hiya Flanny. Not 100% sure of price? But I also heard it over the weekend mate Saturday Night.......... I Think..... I would have thought it was expensive mate BEST Bully!
  4. Sorry Gash JOHN EDWARDS HANDS DOWN.................Not Even A Contest Bully
  5. Are You The Tough Guys From England Them Three Ain't But I Am Nice One Seanturion Bully!
  6. "Good bet Jas... ...It was Roadhouse Oldies in Baltimore where the book came from. Good shop in the day. Is it still open? Sean " Sean, is that where Tats put the George Blackwell - "Can't Lose My Head" back on the shelf after the guy asked him for $80 for it, when he produced the book The Bulmeister
  7. '''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  8. One For Sale off tykarim at £75 in the sales section Picture Sleeve too
  9. On Night Feed Sean Not Trying To Get Your VISA Stamped for the weekend by any chance mate If the weather we have had this week is anything to go by, you will need that sheepskin in YARMUFF....... Don't know about the skinhead though The Bulmeister
  10. Thanks for the shouts today Shaun...... Glad that you enjoyed the CD's mate , I must give credit where credit is due though Shaun The "Henry Jackson Company" was put on an audio cassette for me in about 1993 by Brian Goucher....... AWESOME TRACK.... never ever heard any one play it other than Brian.... So the Gouch gets all the credit for that one Shaun. The "Lee Eldred" track was recently copied onto a CD by one of the UK's top collectors and DJ's Cliff Steele..... Once Again.... an AWESOME SLAB of Real Soul Music ...... So the credit to Cliff Steele on that one Shaun. To Be Honest ..... with guys like Brian and Cliff putting me onto tracks of the quality of the above , and then me pasing that on to you .......... We Cannot Fail Really Glad that you liked em Shaun, but the credit must go to these guys and Not Me, I am only passing onto you what has been passed on to me Spreading The Knowledge Top Top Show today Shaun, do not think I heard a bad track, Keep Up The Good Work BEST Bully
  11. "Bully, Sean and Tats--I've got photos from the trip when I can find them in the basement in Washington, now i'd like to get all the copies of Nolan Porter that bully left down there !" Rob FAMOUS QUOTES ROB ! "Bully don't carry all them back mate, you'll never fookin' Get Rid O THEM" (even at 25 cents each) Top Advice That Tats! Mind You, between you lot, You ain't Steered Me Wrong Wi' Much Else
  12. I can also tell you what was in them, 6 copies of Stan Ivory on TESE. "Come Live With Me" 5 Issues and 1 demo.... which I eventually gave to Tats, exactly the same as the one that Manship sold on Auction for £434 this week. I think you all may have benefitted from that One Mate The Bulmeister
  13. Don't you ever wonder what we left behind? Especially when you consider that we each had a box at a time, to go through. That means that we each only saw 25% of what was actually there (i.e. so did you, so did Tats.... and..... so did, a very young, Bully!). What was in HIS boxes that he didn't spot? I tell thi'.... I'm off to have another look! Sean Sean..................... I have to agree with you, Time in A Bottle and all that..... One that I did spot and put back tho........ "Build Youre Love On A Strong Foundation" Nah, I dont want that shite, The long arm of Tats did though Great Trip Though.... Ask Jew Stones
  14. I Am Afraid that am also in that Minority Gareth, love the Lew version much more, and my good mate Alan Paterson is also with us, It's Growing mate Bully!
  15. Sean Hampsey is your man He has the record. Are You There Lurking Sean?
  16. Jock SURELY you gonna post up where it all started !!!!! For Me Anway "Love Runs Out" Pure Northern Classic
  17. Nice One To Start With Jock
  18. I Think my Fave would be "Let's Try It Over" AWESOME TUNE!!!!!
  19. Willie Hutch MASTER!!! So Many Tunes!!! So Little Time
  20. You will have to identify another two to get onto that shelf Paul? Bully!
  21. Fookin Awesone Shep, Great To See Alll The NE Massive including KJ, who I was assured was STRAIGHT BUT everybody assured me he was Fooked If I KNOW Right, Off To Lifeline TC The Bulmeister Listening to Philip Mitchell as I type To Talk To Me Baby, An To try To Make It Allwight!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How Good is That!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Bulmeister!!!! She Believes in Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She Makes Me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Never Had Time To Listen TOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's Another In My Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. It Sounds Absolute Shite Shep All I Can Say Mate is, Leave that Funky Shite Alone An Get Into "THE DEEP" that is Where "ITS AT" Or At Least Sum Proper SOUL mate! The Bulmeister!!!!!!!!!
  23. Thats Cause They Are The Same Dennis Yawn, Yawn,
  24. "SOUL WITHIN REACH" Thats the baby, that is where I first heard the C & Shells and also the Sandra Feva covered up as "Cheryl Berdell" by Sean. I thought that I had sent you a track listing Jason, or at least the right forum to get one TUNES OR WOT
  25. "" Yeh... the Bull can really pull a good CD together. Me and Tats just don't know where he gets his inspiration from "" Gotta Agree with you on that Sean. "I Have Had Two Great Teachers, Mate" Hopefully that shows in the quality of the CD's that I put together, When can we get together for some lessons on what we are gonna call them Cheers The Bulmeister ( Think Tats & Sean also Gatecrashed)!

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