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Bully Boy

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Everything posted by Bully Boy

  1. Cannot Echo Chalky & Jock's sentiments enough, there are hundreds of better £10 records out there,that ooze much more soul! OPEN YOUR MINDS! But More Importantly...... YOUR FECKIN EARS Bully!
  2. Just looking back through the past similar items listed for Vee Gees, on 23rd May 2008, a copy was listed on here (Soul Source) the seller was looking for £250 for it, Shep then came on and said it was sold Now you can all correct me if I am wrong, but why on earth are you trying to sell a record for £25 more then you paid for it Shep.... That must be a first for you, I thought you normally made a Gross Loss, not Gross Profit Certainly Not Your Style Shep BEST Bully
  3. Just Finished Listening to Mr Hampsey's Fine CD.... As Always...Well Worth the wait. TALK ABOUT SEAN & TATS BEING PEAS IN A POD! Tats did me a CD last week with 12 of Sean's said tracks on it Now that is really spooky BEST Bully
  4. WISH I COULD RUN TILL SUNDAY!!!!!! USED TO BE ABLE TO, PROVIDING I STARTED ON SATURDAY..... Got a wicked limited edition album, will you take that in return for any of them? The album is entitled "The World's Fattest Gospel Singer" ANY GOOD She Had Had No Firm Offers Either Funnily Enough Bully (259 pounds)
  5. Wish It Was Me You Had Given It To Jock Hope You Are Well Mate BEST Bully
  6. Might Be A Cool Avatar Tats. But With You Two Jailbirds (Tats & Kev Briscoe )on it, Not So Sure? Perhaps the building should be renamed "Muscle Shoals State Prison" Are They Real Bars On The Windows But suppose makes a change from Lap Dancing Bars Tats The Bulmeister
  7. Hold Tight Stefan, Shep will have his up for sale in about a month's time , you may well get a bargain Cause Shep ain't in the buying records game to make money, that for sure Bully!
  8. Next Week............... I'd Have Thought Chris? Bully
  9. Alright For Some Eh Chris Take Care Mate Bully! How many under par today then
  10. Got Cliff Steele's today .......... Now that is PROPER ain't it Unlimited Four........FOOK ME .... When I woke up it was Tuesday SLAYED ME Well not many things do? apart from Johnny Nelson........ I will say it before Sean Hampsey does
  11. Me Too Pat Though after receiving Tats this weekend, cannot stop playing it, especially Betty Everett , Ben E King and Gladys Knight. I am coming over all moist just thinking about the depth of those three. Betty Everett is to die for.........Knocked Me Sideways mate Bully
  12. Wow! I've only received one so far. Guess that's what you get for living out in the sticks! Sean Should get mine quite easily ...... I have put :- FAO Master Sean Hampsey "The Lord of The Dell" Up't Ashgate Road, T'other Side o' Town If your postie is like mine ..... you should already have mine Bully!
  13. I Can just see Tats & Sean Hampsey reading this ....... THINKING you and us Shaun To be fair to these two guys, especially my mentor (Tats) I OWE them so much Most of the tracks on the CD's they have put me onto somewhere down the line, and to be quite honest, if it's got there mark of approval, then it goes without saying that it's PURE CLASS all the way, an that will do for Bully MANY THANKS guys, especially you Mr Taylor ...... you are an absolute star .... with an abundance of knowledge, if I keep picking away at it, I might get there on day No Probably Not Bully!
  14. Mine went into the post box yesterday, (Apart from a couple that I am hand delivering) however missed the post yesterday morning So because the post is not being picked up till tuesday next, you should have them by the end of the week I would have thought ENJOY Although, it was an absolute Mare to do this one, hence the mind changes and also resulting in a Two Fer! Bully!
  15. I have picked up loads of Cheap Superb Soul Tunes as a result of the previous swaps I think a lot of people now have Clouded Judgement on Soul Music, they prefer to chase the "Big Tunes" when half of them do not know the Super Cheap tunes that are available. I am Not saying that anybody knows everything, but there are more Super Cheap tunes out there that seem to be over looked because they do Not Command Big Money. I Feel that Fingers has Hit The Nail right on the head. RARITY does not always mean QUALITY! And I can tell you from experience in the previous swaps, it is great when there is an Unknown record to you on a CD, that is a fiver Well Said Fingers Bully
  16. Sean, Yeh Yeh Yeh Yeh Yeeeeehhhhhhhhh! Gone Down in my book Mate ...... When you told me you used to be a Rude Boy ......... I didn't think you meant a Crombie Type Thought You were bragging about your Youthful Exploits! Jus' Kiddin' Mate Bully
  17. Hiya Steve & Everybody Else, Hope that you are well mate ............... I think that we should re-name the CD Swap "Desert Island Discs". I compiled one (Trying Not To Put Things On, that I know have been on previous swaps), but when I spoke with Tats about it, we went through certain records I had included and he said that ain't really a desert island disc.... And I had to Agree with him. Therefore I felt if you could only have a disc full o records...then which would they be.....now that is HARD. But I feel that the quality will be better. Like someone said on here earlier, I ain't never sold anything that I aint got two copies off, so any item in my collection could be included. But "Desert Island Discs" really does Narrow Things Down don't you feel.... QUALITY all the way JUST A THOUGHT! Best The Bulmeister
  18. I received a copy of the recent Kent CD this morning - Soul For The Dancefloor by Millie Jackson. WOW The album is compiled by a good friend of mine Sean Hampsey, I know at one point Sean was living and breathing Millie, every time he was in the car it was Millie's vocal attributes bringing smiles to his face. Every morning with his Special K, it was Millie who was really the Special one, bringing him round to face the day (After another late night/early morning feed). So now I have a listen to the finished product, I can assure Sean that it was really time well spent. Ady Croasdale really got the right man for the job on this one Top Marks for that Ady, A+ awarded for that assignment But it wasn't until I was trawling on Amazon that I noticed it had been released, so without further ado, it was ordered herewith. I saw that Sean had changed his avatar a picture of Millie Jackson which happens to be the cover of the CD. Seems to be a Closely Guarded Secret ...... Even Sean did not broadcast the fact Well on my first listening it has absolutely Slayed Me........ Not An Easy task I hear you all say AWESOME, AWESOME SOUL MUSIC ! ! ! Anyone who hasn't got this just BUY IT NOW THE REAL DEAL. The first track says it all, a previously unissued track called "IF THAT DON'T TURN YOU ON" Need I Say More Just Buy It Top Marks to the Guys at Kent and also to compiler Sean Hampsey! I Rest My Case (No It Ain't A Case of Beer) The Bulmeister
  19. Pat even if Rooney wasn't out injured, Man U. Could NOT match the Striking Trio of Hampsey Tats & Plumby Come to think of it, I was pretty good at Striking myself.......... 1984/5 MINERS STRIKE!!!!!!!!!! SOUL NOT COAL now mate Best Bully!
  20. PROBABLY MR TAYLOR............ HIM BEING THE FOUNTAIN OF SOUL KNOWLEDGE THAT HE IS. As You are well aware Simon, he ain't put me wrong yet mate Well if you don't include him telling me to leave 10 copies of Nolan Porter at 25 cents each in Baltimore in 96 You have not questioned my statement about the Visitors line up...... that was the original line up Later it was to include Mel Britt singing lead after a few changes along the way....... I can also tell you that they went onto do a lot of Backing Vocals and they actually sing on Tyrone Davis's "If I Could Turn Back The Hands of Time"
  21. By the Way Simon...... I also know that Leroy Hutson is singing lead vocal on "The Impressions" "LOVE ME" Pure Leroy
  22. Hiya Simon, Yeh lead of The Visitors was Eugene Smiley Other members of the original band line up were Darrell Penrays Wilbert Taylor Ray Foreman P.S. Sorry to sabotage your thread
  23. bloomin eck i thought it was a solid 20-30quid job...i picked another copy up from paul capon not too long ago for £30...crackin both sides... cookie Picked mine up for bout a tenner around 1990 when Rod Dearlove was playing it, really underated record .... glad to see that people have finally opened their ears
  24. Hiya Chris, Yeh Mate......... Count Bully In
  25. With the Championship LOOMING John....... I Think Most Woould Leave It............. Even with the Parachute Payment John.......... Best Bully

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