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Bully Boy

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Everything posted by Bully Boy

  1. Anyone who does not know this album....................................JUST BUY IT! Great Album, Cheap Price................ QUALITY is obviously not merited on Rarity.................. ABSOLUTELY ..............The DOGS.... The gem ..........." Your Gonna Need Me" HDH brilliance, often underlooked..........Never Beaten. Not played out much either.....................GEM. BEST Bully
  2. TEDDY RILEY per chance
  3. Hiya Nick, Hope you are well mate, it happens when the seller put the true value on the packaging. If he put three soul albums worth $2 then you would have nothing to pay. Becuase he put the true value, then you have to pay customs charges. I had to when I bought my Bobby Taylor album. Which is a fooker, cause you buy for what you think is a good price, then they slap that on it. But on the other side, if they were broken on receipt and it says the value is $2 on the packaging, then you are fucked to claim against the P.O.. SUCH IS LIFE MATE! BEST Bully
  4. COREY BLAKE 7" only though on Capitol. LP's not so sure, unless you have compilation albums as well.
  5. STOMES People Who Live In Glass Hones should throw STOMES should they Tomy Or Is Roumcey BEST BILLU
  6. Unfortunately I have a Demo Copy without the Classic Ballad.................. You Can Imagine My Horror, ready to slash My wrists.......................................................................... .......... Then As If By Magic..... Got Out My Copy of the Gunsmoke Album "Looking Back" WE Both Know There Two Sides To Every story, Lovers Become Friends Friends Become Lovers...... Before You ask Me To Go................... FOOKIN TUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Come In From My Rugby Clubs 40th Anniversary Bash............................................................................ ........................................................... Fookin Spannered! BEST Bully!
  7. INCLUDING ..........YOU,.........KITCH..............& ME! FOOKED THEN BYRNIE! BULLY
  8. Exactly same as mine also Dave..... GREAT ALBUM! Best Bully
  9. Audrey Matthews version was put out by Ady on a Kent CD, a couple of years ago. The Johnnie Mae Matthews cut originally on Big Hit, was booted along with three other tunes. I do have a copy somewhere in my shite pile.....(Hey Andy...I know what you mean) I think that the record also has three other big tunes from that time. But cannot think for the life of me what they are ...... I will have a dig in the shite. The label is navy blue and I think is called Vintage or something like that......will report back later after a trawl.. BEST Bully
  10. Tell Me Ivor, do you big up all your own Original Records this way Hope You Had A Good One Mate! Best Bully
  11. That is Right Though Jez Tammi Terrell and David Ruffin were an item for a short time...........and if rumours are right, he may have been responsible for Tammi's death
  12. May Be A Nice Tune...........NICER AVATAR though Blake.....Better than a bloke picking his nose with a pair of snout nose pliers
  13. Was the thread called Daybreak or was it Jawbreak. You Are A Fookin' Idiot Beeks Say No More On The Subject...... When you say you are shitting yourself, are you sure you are not just talking, Cause You Normally Talk a load of SHITE! Bring It On !
  14. And Bully...f*** off you dick...never spoke to me...never seen you on the boards EVER...so crawl back into your fucking hole WHATEVER............ NEHNENERNENER EHENERENR.... When I do see you Beeks, I will come and introduce myself to you... I will not say anymore mate, I am not a rude man or an idiot............ But you may well think better of what you have just typed END OFF! The Bulmiester P.S. Anyone who has seen me gracing the boards will vouch for that........! An there are quite a few
  15. NEV.....................QUALITY MATE.......... NAIL AND HEAD COME TO MIND MATE! It's Needs Saying though Nev! DEAD RIGHT Suprised My Mate JOCKO ain't already said it BEST BULLY
  16. But Sean your Mentor Tats Taylor likes the Paliaments or was it the B-side "Getting ready for the summer" ? Think You May Be Wrong on that Score Simon Tats does love "The Parliments" but you are not talking about "Heart Trouble" are you Rainy Day.......... Tats never said he loves that
  17. "If you don't get this you don't get Northern Soul, in one of my opinionated statements" Just One of Your Opinionated Statements Jock.......................... I did not know you were opionated Jock............ In My Opinion, You Ought To Answer YOUR PHONE BEST Bully
  18. Nobody, and I mean Nobody sings a Sam Dees song like Sam himself But Loleatta cetainly does not make a bad job of it......... UP THERE WITH THE BEST AWESOME!
  19. IN HOUSE JOKE SEAN, look at his page on here and he is wearning a 10 gallon hat..........just like Tex Ritter. Gavin, Vicky Barnes you mentioned not sure mate, but "Country Girl" was by Vicky Baines. so not sure about that mate BEST Bully
  20. Sandra Wright was still with us Rob about 8 months ago, she sent Terry Jones a message on the Shaun Robbins radio show. So I would still say yes! Nice Call for Sandra Wright Hope you are all well Best Bully
  21. RECORD ROOM.........................NEVER, It's Looks More CLINICAL than a Dentist's OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH or should that be AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH BEST Bully!
  22. Sam Dees is my choice Alan, but not too far behind him would be Holland Dozier Holland, not sure about Lamont on his own ..................... and I have every solo album Lamont has made
  23. SAM the MAN - SAM DEES...................... EASY
  24. Hiya Guys & Joan. Some great stuff dropping on my door mat I THINK CREDIT CRUNCH, the only thing expanding more than my wants list is my waist band GREAT STUFF ONCE AGAIN! My CD, should have made it's way to you all, with the possible exceptions of our Foreign Imports.............. Who will have it very shortly. BEST Bully P.S. If anyone wants to know any details about any tracks on mine, just PM me!

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