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Bully Boy

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Everything posted by Bully Boy

  1. Been listening to Val's and Andy's conributions and what can you say.... SUPER TASTE! guys! Top Drawer stuff Lads Keep Em Comin'
  2. Andy, Neil Clark is going to send his address to us all when he sends his CD's out. Mine is also sat waiting to send to him!
  3. Obviously Chris, I was Not Part of the Swap last time, but that is what I have done isn't it in the sheet that I contained with the CD saying what format it was on and the label etc. I am Sorry if any of the tracks that I have put on mine where used last time SORRY Bully!
  4. Thanks For That Eddie, Remember "You Got To Have Eddie" Cheers Bully
  5. Hiya Sean, It is actually the Fish Fryer that you can hear in the Back Ground No it is because the Technics deck that I have has to go through a "Pre Amp" and this device tends to pick up all the sounds that it shouldn't. I am in the process of buying a USB deck, but have not got round to it before putting the CD together. So Sorry about That, but at least uyou wiull get the General Gist! Bully!
  6. That is exactly what I mean Steve, that is why they were £1 notes!!!!!!!!!! How long have we had the coins? Nice One Centurion!!!! The Bulmeister!
  7. Steve, that reminds me of Sean's Wallet - last time I saw him open it up, it was full of 1 pound notes "All Green & Crinkly" Bully!
  8. Steve, Remind me to have a good look in your box, next time I see you out! Especially if you sell VG £50 rareities at £10. Could do wi a couple of them myself Bully!
  9. Just Posted 29 that I have done, asI type, still No Address for Neil Clarke. So if you could post it up on here Neil, then yours will follow in the Post Box. Cheers Bully
  10. Totally Agree with what Steve's comment, If at all can be included in this count me in Cheers Bully
  11. So Many Class Tunes from the Man! UP THERE for me has to be - Give It Up, Something For My Head, How Could You Break My Heart. etc, etc, But the best track IMHO has to be the sublime "I'm Through Trying To Prove My Love For You" taken of the Facts of Life album.................Pure Class and then some! Bully!
  13. I would like to Thank everyone, who made last night So Special !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a super night, Musically Top Drawer! ! ! ! Great Venue! Graet Turnout ! ! Tats was really quite emotional ! ! ! Top Man ! !
  14. Bully, You would be paranoid if some big daft twat was following you Around!! Tats 49 and countin Tats, you told me that you did not see Big Gray that much these days!!!!! ( Sorry Gray only Joking Mate). Kev H it ain't the headlocks that worry people, it is the deadlegs!!!!!!!!!!! Ask Arthur Fenn & Steve Woomble ? Pain Giver or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. That email address was wrong!! the correct email was bullyontheradio@ntlworld.com
  16. Hiya Fellow Soul Sourcers, I am writing this post in regard to the above, Tats is celebrating his 5th (Sorry that is his mental age) 50th Birthday soon . I have just come off the phone from Tats, and he is really getting Paranoid ( Again I hear you all say) that the room booked ain't gonna hold everyone. ( He did confirm that the capacity was not as big as his age and his waist size ) but was quite a lot bigger than his IQ ( No it was not 16) . The reason for me writing on here, anyone who has received an invite from Tats, can you confirm that you are coming, or not coming if that is the case ( ya miserable ba****ds ). But I would really appreciate if you could let me have this as soon as possible! With that said, anyone who has confirmed either their attendance or for that matter non attendance, you have no need to contact me. And also anyone who has booked accomadation, again No Need. But anyone who has not confirmed either way, then please contact me via PM or alternatively via an email at bullyontheardio@ntlworld.com Very Very Many Thanks ! ! ! Bully!!
  17. Has The Fookin World Gone MADDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! Quality is obviously in Rarity!!!!!!!!!!! What A Load of BOLXXXXXX!!!!!!!! Are Peoples Ears Stuck On or what! Commands is Not in the same league! Open Your Ears? The Bulmeister!
  18. Bump
  19. Hi, I desperately need a copy The Pretenders "I Call It Love" on Carnival. However not the one numbered 550! The slower sixties one, I need the one numbered 560! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Contact me on Tel 07791400954 or via email bullyontheradio@ntlworld.com Very Many Thanks Bully!
  20. Trouble Is Though Mr Taylor, She has Eyes in the back of Her Head And several Spies who would dob you in at the drop of an Hat Me I am just Chief SNEAK
  21. Had Some Great Nights There, and it was the Premier Place back in the day. Why Not do it again Guys?
  22. What about Sy Hightower Steve, surely that should be there - "I Wonder Why" obviously
  23. "What Can I Tell Her" Timmy Thomas Cracked 'em up in the deep room when I played it down at Yarmouth. So good the punters made me play it twice! "I Don't Care Anymore" Doris Duke The gritty, tough, hard life tale from "I'm a Loser" "You Got Me" Jaibi You got me climbing up the wall! "I Dont Wanna Leave You" Debbie Taylor "What Ever Made You Think... I Could Go On Living This Way" Try To Leave Me If You Can" Bessie Banks "I Bet You Can't Do It" "I Keep Coming Back" Tyrone Davis The man... at his best. The climax just shakes every wall in the house. "That's How It Is" Otis Clay Please somebody take their hand... and slap some sense in me! "These Aint Raindrops" James Carr No, No...They're Tears "Not You" Walter Jackson Someone else... might be untrue... but not you, no not you, no not you! Devastating! Sean Hampsey Sean, You want to try living in Brimingtom mate, You don't need Tyrone Davis to shake the walls, when an HGV goes by, the windows RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!! Some great choices there Mate, Debbie Taylor - "When Was The Last Time You Looked At Me" What A Fookin' Superb Double Header!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Bulmeister!
  24. Have The Four Wonders, if you stilll need, then either send me a PM or an email at bullyontheradio@ntlworld.com
  25. Ivor I thought that you were sitting on them, I told you that it would crack them if you did?

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