Hiya Fellow Soul Sourcers,
I am writing this post in regard to the above, Tats is celebrating his 5th (Sorry that is his mental age) 50th Birthday soon . I have just come off the phone from Tats, and he is really getting Paranoid ( Again I hear you all say) that the room booked ain't gonna hold everyone. ( He did confirm that the capacity was not as big as his age and his waist size ) but was quite a lot bigger than his IQ ( No it was not 16) . The reason for me writing on here, anyone who has received an invite from Tats, can you confirm that you are coming, or not coming if that is the case ( ya miserable ba****ds ).
But I would really appreciate if you could let me have this as soon as possible!
With that said, anyone who has confirmed either their attendance or for that matter non attendance, you have no need to contact me. And also anyone who has booked accomadation, again No Need.
But anyone who has not confirmed either way, then please contact me via PM or alternatively via an email at bullyontheardio@ntlworld.com
Very Very Many Thanks ! ! !