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Gaz T

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Everything posted by Gaz T

  1. I personally think this record it amazing. Where did he find it ? Anything known about the recording ? its a top top tune !
  2. cool ...............................reallly cool tell me all about it
  3. Sam is a really nice bloke, I met him properly at an event in Wrexham where I was drinking whisk , playing soul 45s at this particular night 20 years ago. We shared a drink, I think he had orange I realised straight away that he is a lovely man . Really lovely company
  4. Also sad to find out about Wylie Trass and his recent passing due to covid I may add
  5. Outstanding !!! Thanks so much everyone - Simply fab fab info. Love the Claude Huey, keep meaning to pick that up for years. The only other thing I have on the label Is Sisters Three You can forget it which also has a mid tempo version of ozz and the sperlings can you qualify on the flip which is quite nice.
  6. The usual questions, who are they? Two very strong soul 45s from a duo I personally don't know anything about! Is the label is from philly? Two quite fab 45s and then nothing ?
  7. The internet has so changed itself and ourselves over the last 20 years. I understand internet marketplaces change with politics and economy. The e market is driven by information and commerce. So why would record collectors be un affected? I feel the period when the pound was strong against the dollar and the uk government had no clue how to tax this anomaly was a great time. The government palmed the task of collecting tax to the uk post office who had neither the resources or the man power to be fit for purpose. But that was then, structure has been put in place on line to accommodate collecting tax. This matters as a 50 quid USA purchase is now nearer 80 quid with postage and a 50 quid uk purchase is 52 quid. Buy ten cheap records......do the math! So at this moment for me buying records on the computer from USA is much more expensive than it used to be. I think our uk dealers are going to do better on cheaper records this year.
  8. Agree, its a fine Soul record and its still available on original in the wild for no more money than a Chinese take away and a good red. Amazing
  9. I attended this place in the late 80s on my scooter from north wales. It was in the week (cant remember which day) That club had a fab sound system, I remember hearing Freddie Houston being played, totally spectacular on that system. Riding back half cut at midnight and still getting to work on time.
  10. jimmy burns erica connection here
  11. different ones
  12. I am looking forward to 500 more
  13. this was number 501
  14. Great Latin Soul influenced track that I love
  15. At the deeper end, this is so much rarer than people think and so overlooked in my view, a lovely Chicago soul record.
  16. my mistake, I bet there won’t be any left by next week
  17. Loving this recent release, really good. Bagged one quick !
  18. Dunno about the last five years, but this has came out recently. And sold out !
  19. I collect 60s RnB and Soul, but also Jamaican 60s and also 60s Latin Soul There is not much of a Jamaican 60s club scene generally unlike the northern scene, but the good Jamaican records are going up in value as they are not available out there anymore, collectors are bang at it with out any help from a scene. Same with boogaloo, go try and buy all Joe Bataan's good Fania releases on 45 in 2021, They just don't turn up anymore like they used to. I personally think there are so many people all over the world now just happy collecting for no other reason than the love of music and the collecting, digging away quietly for themselves. I feel there has never been such a great time to pay attention to the new releases, so many great new things being released by new talents and all the fab unreleased things we are treated to. From a collecting point of view weather I'm trying to find vintage things or buying new releases its a fantastic time. Yes getting originals has become harder and more expensive but that's a genuine reflection to the amount of people out there who are collecting records in my opinion.
  20. Thank you Tony From The Bronx - Esperanza - bought it straight away - impressive omg I got a handful of 45s from the world which I needed while listening. Chalky did a great set on here recently of current and unreleased stuff . It ended in the same way, money on pay pal before the end of the set. I must admit, the Woodward avenue players hire me fire him was a instant buzz for me, I bought it straight away Just keep on finding playing and sharing! This side of the thing is the future Thank you
  21. I’m only messing , I also do like to go out , I have things in my world other than work , I know we are missing our normal , but I know if we are patient it will get to a point again even if it takes 4 or 5 years I’m not worried, I will still be listening to Ray Barretto , Darrow Fletcher and Tony Middleton , instead of capital radio It all still means something to me , nothings changed moss
  22. From a Mod point of view his passing is very sad, his band were instrumental from the early 60s helping Mod RnB out of the clubs into the mainstream, keep on running, somebody help me (both Jackie Edwards penned) getting the message out to the world, really sad to hear of his passing.
  23. I didn't go out anyway before Covid ! I bought records through the year, and even when the post stopped for a bit, everything arrived in the end. So that is my philosophy, everything will arrive. Keep smiling

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