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Gaz T

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Everything posted by Gaz T

  1. Andy has answered all my questions concerning this 45 with the old thread. Respect again to Boba reading back, He knew A Fantastic 45 that is never going to be available cause its so good !
  2. Wow - Thanks So the Parliments on cabel and the Magnificent 7 have a line running here. Fantastic I will read the thread
  3. so much a top tune that seems to be forgotten ! Be nice to see if anyone knows anything about the band or the session etc.
  4. Its a proper northern tune i cant understand how a total top tune can get forgotten you cant get more soulful and 100 mph than this but i suppose you have to keep a few in your back pocket
  5. Tell me more I was expecting derek martin or someone to be behind the band i don't recognise any of the names
  6. I love 60s RnB Love it Does anyone know anything about this guy ? Never heard of Dossie Terry before, both sides are nice Mod RnB
  7. So for me this record evokes so many great memories from the late 80s very early 90s It remains a firm fave that I keep to this day. Overlooked and forgotten it seems but totally everything a 60s Northern Soul 45 should be. My question is who were they? I know the label is Juggy Sue Murrys and its from New York. Who were the Magnificent 7 And why is this 45 not a huge well popular dancer, Its a perfect NS record ?
  8. Just ordered mine superb northern soul thanks again to horace
  9. Cheers Mal Agree, the Spanish and French bits are still out there, but I bet you wont see them so much as times goes by as they disappear into collections. Has baby come back ever had any big plays on the northern scene ?
  10. A thing I can think of with soul 33s at the min is get a copy of the Pic and Bill A few copy's in France and Spain just get a copy and enjoy John M is right stating the USA 45 charay copy is rare But the Spanish and French copy's of the lp and 45 and lp are also getting invisisibibe these days with the lp only track baby come back, lovely soul tune fantastic ! top soul tunes ! go find
  11. They did indeed - never turns up these days. Superb tune - has everyone forgotten it ?
  12. Thanks everyone, I thought it would have had some plays out. I don’t remember hearing it played anywhere but have recently got myself a copy. Love quality overlooked things like this have a nice bank holiday everyone
  13. So its a really good 45 Its on popsike for 25 quid to over a hundred My question is has it ever been anywhere yet ? Has anyone got behind it ? I love it, and the flip is nice. Really good tune
  14. Sort of makes sense I always thought the blue mala issue was the version you don't see as much
  15. It arrived today, few beers, headphones on. What a lp.............out of my mind Perfecto, anyone who appreciates soul music really needs this. The fact that it is new just makes it even more special. Who would have even imagined strong soul like this in 2021 Perfect Cheers Mate
  16. I know this from the 80s My good friend Carla bought it on golden three in the 80s for the why the knower side. I always preferred this to the other side, which is also good. she still has that copy she bought in the 80s. It was always one of the things I always thought I would pick up No chance now
  17. 30 second taster from Eddie on this new 45 from Kevin and Jo Anne Hamilton. Due out very soon, already pre ordered my copy
  18. And I hope the mods wont mind me posting this again. Only a couple weeks after release - sold out. Just more impressive new stuff !
  19. Really good, really nice, and really Soulful I just bagged one
  20. Just bought it ! Lovely. I will be playing this lp this summer while in the hot tub drinking wine Superb ! Thanks !
  21. As you know Chalky young musicians in usa are doing their own thing again with Soul. Small labels, releasing small runs of 45s. Just like the 60s. Funky or sweet, there is a great scene in the usa. Soul music seems to be evolving, with great labels, musicians and singers That's a fab thing. It also seems to be young and energetic. I hope I can catch a few acts like Benjamin and the dream dancers, Victor Gabriel, Jason Joshua, or James Hunter of course over here this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNQfmTrAcjk
  22. Long overdue a revival, it was massive in the 80s i bet all the lps have long gone

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