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Everything posted by Harrogatesoul

  1. I'm old fashioned me.. but a great online reference as you can search the book too. Wonderful piece of work. Am tempted to look at the Doo Wop book also. thanks for the link Dave - I'd have never looked for this online!
  2. Ultimately very frustrating as it's your only income right now - I can well see how Pete Smith and other full time dealers insist on payment in full straight away - After all we don't go and do the weekly shopping and tell the cashier we'll pay them next week! We sometimes forget full time dealers rely on this as their income to put food on the table. I get this in my business (furniture) where people look agog that they even have to leave a deposit! Take 5 mins now and get 'em re-listed on here / other boards and get the brass in your pocket.
  3. Pretty sure an email isn't a legally binding contract. If the buyer had purchased through a website and maybe paid a deposit & you had Terms & Conditions etc on there you might have got a bit further but alas it looks like a non-sale - despite your generosity of splitting payments and your patience. As Pete says - re-offer the 45s for sale. If it was a few quid it wouldn't matter as much but a £1000 is a lot of money.
  4. Am pretty sure there wasn't any re-issues / later re-presses of the Mar-V-Lus catalogue. Just different label designs as you say. Off the top of my head the Du-Ettes came on 2 different designs but both originals. Of course there are probably boots of perhaps the harder ones on the label (Blenders? Joseph Moore?) But more likely these would be blatant modern ones unless one of the 'old boys' can rememeber look-a-likes/boots from back in the day. NB: Just checked the above 2 have come out on OuttaSite - but it does state that on the label. Fabulous label, indeed group of labels. From northern to ballads to deep to funk! Dave Rimmer has all the discogs over at soulful Kinda Music
  5. Another nice mixed bag up for sale - All EX/NM condition unless stated. Any issues full refund given. PM to reserve. Paypal as gift thanks! P&P: £1.50 First Class - Up to 3 x 45s. 25p each thereafter. Overseas £2.50 Up to 2 x 45s. 50p each thereafter. *EDITED*
  6. Morning All. Another nice mixed bag up for sale - All EX condition unless stated. Any issues full refund given. PM to reserve. Paypal as gift thanks! P&P: £1.50 First Class - Up to 3 x 45s. 25p each thereafter. Overseas £2.50 Up to 2 x 45s. 50p each thereafter. Sound files available in the usual places!! *EDITED*
  7. Must be. Just seen this quote on SoulfulDetroit site. Exaggeration? Tongue in Cheek? Who knows. As Mr Tag states.all copies seem to have gone now anyway. 'Richard Searling announced this on his radio show and mentioned that enough copies of Jackie Day's 'Naughty Boy' were found to wedge his studio door open'
  8. Not forgetting the handful(?) of copies that surfaced on ebay from the same seller a couple of years now was it? I think they came from L.A dealer and from (memory) a closed store. Was this the same store / source as the 'West Coast' find JM & others were involved in?
  9. Just caught up with this one Bob. Fab show as always - Sounding great to these ears: Frankie Karl / Bobby King (Forgotten how good this is) / Jean Kerr / Brief Encounter / Ex-Ta-C / Continental Express Band. Top stuff.
  10. What....a....record...
  11. We'll see Sebastain.. I hope Tommys' busy ploughing through Hi sound files on the net as I'd like to know! He did mention the artist wasn't a well known one.. Great record above though.. I'd love to see Tommy come out with it's OV's 'We're Still Together' tremendous 45!
  12. https://www.45rpmrecords.com/OH/Nosnibor.php Scan there for you Dave. Clcik on the camera icon and it'll come up.
  13. Pete's probably in a far better position to quote prices than I! Like anything, put a price on it and/or accept offers. Dave Rimmers site has a USA listing (with gaps) - I'll check my back issues of Shades also. Incredible output with something on there for everyone and yes a great design! Boba might well be able to throw more light on this label.
  14. Was that the seller who had a few (how many i don't know) copies of this? Can only suggest re. the auction price is it's like anything else at the moment - money / recession etc with perhaps not as many buyers willing to go any higher. Even at the very top end of collecting collectors will always want a perceived bargain! The USA label has thrown out some great oddities and rarities hasn't it? Is there a complete discography around as quite a few have gaps.
  15. From the 'Taylor Made Soul' LP on Gordy Doc! No 45 release (well USA or Uk anyhow) as far as I'm aware. Hope this helps.
  16. Another quickie! 'Close' is a neat funk dancer flipped with a great sweet side on 'Mother' Zudan 5108 NM £20 inc P&P £15 inc P&P if anyone wants it! Paypal as gift thanks! PM to reserve!
  17. Flip of the 'Amen Brother' 45 Kev on Metromedia.
  18. Quick one this morning. PM to reserve & paypal as gift thanks! Richard Allen - Showstopper (Allen) M- £15 NOW SOLD! Real nice tough funky soul cut from one of the Knight Brothers that's had the odd spins. Take a listen over at Manships etc!
  19. Have his 3 x 45s on Tangerine & very nice they are too. All Higgins/Erwin/Robinson written & produced - Was this the same Andrew Butler in the Du-Tones? Did he do anything else apart from these 3 x 45s? Thanks!
  20. Perhaps 'championing' is too a strong a word in this case I agree - As to whether a Butch or Andy D would play something contemporary you'd have to ask them! I wouldn't think it falls in their 'remit' as rare soul dj's? (But then as highlighted with the Dj Genesis played by Soul Sam it kinda rocks my theory) Agreed that funk or funkier soul has become a part of the scene and why not? We're all supposed to be fans of black music? The scene has always been loose to a degree from the pop sounds of wigan to the inclusion of stuff like 'The Bottle' from GSH. Are we now at a 'matured level 30 or 40 years later where we can draw boundaries to the scene? I went through a period myself of buying a lot of modern released soul but was from a collectors point of view rather than a dj'ing stance - which in my eyes can be 2 entirely separate stand points. I consider myself a collector of black music rather than a northern soul collector if you get my drift.
  21. For me the essence of the debate both on this and the thread re. money needed to become a 'top' dj. Talking to a well known record dealer recently he bemoaned the fact that many are chasing the same records, have very little interest in the sheer amount of 45s available and ignored based purely on the facts of either being cheap or not 'hot box' 45s etc. There seems to be so many people who bang on about supporting under played , cheap etc 45s but see very little evidence certainly in playlists. I don't get out and about tthese days and I'm happy for folk to point me in the direction of those nights and dj's who do champion the under played and cheap 45s we all profess to support. It worries me that there are folk who choose to support a tune from Cee Lo Green rather than say a nice £10 45 which should get an airing! I can see Cee Lo getting airings at a true modern event - that's fine with me as he is at the top of the pile - After all Motown was essentially a pop label in the 60s wasn't it?
  22. Couldn't answer the first part of your question Ian. Others will know better if 'top' jocks are spinning cheapies. I think it was Butch who spun the Lee Fields to popularity but I'm sure there were others and plenty of them who have spun this but not got the acclaim or recognition that Butch gets when he spins a particular 45. Dolly Gilmore might have been common as muck in the 70s but it ain't these days as you could say about hundreds of records which were about in plentiful supply in the 70s but are now tucked away in collections etc. which now command fair old high prices.
  23. Can't recall seeing any other issue besides the UK one but then that's not to say it never has been issued anywhere else. Popsike only shows UK copies too. Have it on a UK 12" and only ever seen UK ones of that also.
  24. As a yound mod in the 80s Billy was one of the first 'go to' artists amongst myself and a few friends. Remember eagerly awating copies of 'Sitting In The Park' & 'Summertime' to arrive from PJ Ludlams cheapie list to come through. What a sad sad end to a young & brilliant talent. Is there much or any? unissued material on Billy available?

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