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Everything posted by Harrogatesoul

  1. Two to add in this ( IMO ) thread.... Stevie Wonder - If You Really Love Me ( Tamla ) - On ebay regulary for a couple of quid!! TFO - Let Love Come right On In ( Venture ) - Blimmin crackin 70s dancer . . . No clip sorry but a link to JM with a sound file https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/searchartist....=1&Artist=T.F.O. ATB Rich
  2. Great track & good artist IMHO. Seen ' I'm Gonna... ' at anything between 10 -25 quid. Although you can have this for a few quid!!!! https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/KELLEE-PATTERSON-SEA...1QQcmdZViewItem ATB Rich NB. Mis-read it - Doesn't have the track on. Sorry!!!!
  3. Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon - I Don't Know Why ( Stateside ) Lush cut from 72 - Flip of Honey Bee ( Tho' I guess you all know that! ) Surley someones spinnin this??? ATB Rich
  4. https://cgi.ebay.com/SCARCE-RARE-FRANK-WILS...1QQcmdZViewItem Scarce? Rare ? ..........................Mmmmmmmmmm Rich
  5. Absolutley Martyn - I think its just the pleasure of sifting thru piles of soul 45s that's getting me all excited ATB Rich
  6. Peachtree owned and operated by William Bell .. Shocker USED to be two a penny years back. Think the funk boys gotta hold of ' Shocker ' and price went up a fair bit. Grapevine's Atlanta Soul Story (GVCD3009) covers the Peachtree label and history. Incidentally - ' Peg Leg's cut is down as ' Socker '... Some belters on here too https://www.grapevine-soul.com/GVCD3009.htm Spot on with the Clarence Reid 45s Ken - Had a bit of a mission this last year buying his Alston / Tayster 45s - One that does it for me as do many of Reid's Wand / Alston / Phil La / Tayster output. Proper southern soul soldier!!! ' Winter Man ' Alston 4621 Flip of ' Funky Man ' . Shouldn't cost you more than a fiver.. .Sorry no clip -dont have the tech. yet!! ATB Rich
  7. Great track - Would like to see more tips esp. where there's a few cuts on CD's rather than the one traack wonders which seems to put a lot of people off buying some 21st century soul. One that always does it for me Bill Coday ' She's In A midnight Mood ' from 1999?? Regards Rich
  8. Put em all on ebay Pete with a buy it now.. If people are willing to bid over a $100 for blatant bootlegs...yr quids in!!! ATB Rich
  9. Must agree a brilliant 45.. and most probably always over looked because of price etc. Nice to see the man himself back in action a couple of years ago with a new CD and apearance on Jools Holland. Regards Rich ' Gonna tear Your Playhuose Down ' just slays me every time from the ever brilliant Ms Peebles..Still cheap too! Regards Rich
  10. Flip of said disc ' Somebody Please ' is the side for me . Nice slow pleader... £20 on JM but agree with LarsC can be picked up regulary for a lot less on ebay. Recommended 45 IMO. Regards Rich
  11. TSU track IMHO and taste is far better than Ace Spectrum..... at about 15 - 25 quid a ruddy great bargain too!!!! Rich
  12. BUT would be nice in amongst this lot there would be the odd gem or two....... https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lot-of-1-000-Soul-Fu...1QQcmdZViewItem Who knows.... ATB Rich
  13. Lee Williams & The Cymbals - I Can Make Mistakes Too ( Black Circle ) Mckinley Mitchell - You Know I've Tried ( One Der Ful ) Mello Moods - Tell Love Hello ( North Bay ) Deniece Chandler - I Dont Want To Cry ( Toddlin Town ) All for the princely sum of about 20 quid! Rich
  14. https://www.musician.nl/phpbb/bb_profile.ph...=view&user=7754 There's the link shrew . . Is listed as a producer... Surely there cant be TWO Dooley Silverspoons in this world.... See if he's got some of them KoKo 45s hanging around ... Rich
  15. Just read of this terrible loss to soul music. A true legend. Spot on Ken with the ' Down To My Last Heartbreak ' Essential soul 45 and a personal favourite. RIP Big guy. Rich
  16. Pretty sure he is one and the same. Was this also the same Little Dooley on KoKo? Will try and find the link to the dutch site and post up. Think yuo can contact him thru a similiar forum to this. Rich
  17. Exactly! A trusted name and a trusted source. Not been that many since though has there? Rich
  18. Point taken and agreed with!! Always liked the Expansion 45s - Patterson Twins / Sidney Joe etc. personally. Rich
  19. I do buy re-issues ( legit ) not loads but a legit re-issue IMO is far better than buying boot repro's. I simply cant afford to buy some originals ( plus the fact that a lot are as rare as hens teeth )so see legit re-issues as a worthy purchase. Giving something back I suppose and not take take take... Unissued takes / cuts IMO are I would guess are a good example of making material available for the first time on a re-issue so if Ady were to issue some choice cuts from the vaults - of course we would buy em!.. Regards Rich
  20. Which is IMO the right way to go about things. My original thread or question - with hindsight a little naive - was were these repros genuine re-issues or boots in turn self-answering who got the brass from the sales. Like Jordi - I hate wading thru hundreds of BOOTLEG 45s passing themselves off - in some cases - as legit re-issues. Page after page ..... Perhaps people like Ady et al could shed some light onto whether its still a ( financially ) viable route for legal issuers to continue issuing 45s any more. Regards Rich
  21. Got to agree with Ady here. Saw an interview with Lee Shot Williams on a blues site and he was still getting royalties from his ' I like Your Style ' 45... I'd just assumed with starting this thread that certain folks would be doing these artists ( or at least some of them ) a service and a little bit of respect by properly licensing the material. Regards Rich
  22. Rich, Interesting that there is no problem with selling the repro/bootleg records - counterfeit goods, on Ebay. Yet I was recently suspended from it because my daughter listed a counterfeit Chanel purse for £5!!!! Alan Spot on Alan. Many are in fact sold / described as re-issues and not boots ( to get round the problems yr daughter experienced no doubt ) Yet we bark at some sellers for not describing records properly. I know the amounts are smaller but if someones selling hundreds a month surely it all adds up. I dont buy these things -I do prefer originals - but if they were legit I would buy the odd one or two. I havent got 1500 for a Hamilton Movement original but I dont really want to line someones pocket by buying boots... Is there a double standard when it comes to down to WHO's selling /mis selling repro / re-issue 45s? Regards Rich
  23. Nice one shrews - hadn't heard of that book. Will source one. Saw the Cummings book going for silly money recently... Judging by the sheer amount of involvment and output of G&H a definitive account of their story would be fascinating indeed. Many thanks. Rich
  24. Though never major hitmakers, the Los Angeles-based Vibrations were consistent performers through the '60s. The lineup included James Johnson, Carl Fisher, Richard Owens, Dave Govan, and Don Bradley. They began recording as the Jayhawks, then scored a couple of novelty hits performing as the Marathons. Neither "The Watusi" nor "Peanut Butter" were particularly triumphant, but each managed to chart in both the R&B and pop markets. When they became the Vibrations in 1964, they gradually turned to more romantic material, although their first hit, "My Girl Sloopy," was closer to their previous cuts. They had their last brush with glory in 1968 with the Okeh song "Love in Them There Hills." Although Richard Owens was briefly in the Temptations in 1971, the Vibrations continued on until 1976, closing out their career as a nightclub act. From All Music Guide - Ron Hall. ** Guess like many groups in 60s soul USA - many went under the same name but in different geographical areas. Anyone else help? Both Mello Moods & Talk Of The Town recorded on Gamble . TOTT also on TSOP. Vibrations also on NEPTUNE. Since all were obviously Gamble & Huff labels would assume the Vibrations are the same group. So IS North Bay a G&H label? Judging by the sparks flying re. PIR records on another thread - wouldn't the detractors of PIR be better in here as regards to G&H output???? Regards Rich

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