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Everything posted by Harrogatesoul

  1. Just like to say and back up Pete on this one - career criminals and someone nicking records can be two entirley different animals in most cases. They are best avoided. Similary - like TSU offered - the idea of PM'ing is a good one. Keeps any potential legalities out of the way.. I for one don't know who this fella everyone seems to know ( been off scene for years - only just getting back ) be nice for ppl like me to know who these scumbags are. For everyones safety , like Pete said - these are nasty folk and best avoided. I 'm in the furniture industry and having travelled in eastern europe on business - I've met some very entertaining and welcoming business folk - but the fact that many are armed to the teeth when they travel inside their own countries due to business jealousy, corruption etc doesn't mean they're top blokes! Criminals are criminals - if they do it for a living - don't get involved. Lets help those who suffer at their hands, and from I've read on this thread there are tons of top , honest and bloody great folk on the soul scene. Awareness and been a bit careful and sharing knowledge can go a long way . ATB Rich
  2. https://www.jazzmanrecords.co.uk/asp/produc...rchFor=&PT_ID=1 Above link takes you to the Texas Funk Cd put out from Jazzman. Rare funk - informative sleeve notes should help you on your way round some of the lesser known artists etc. Duke / Peacock / Back Beat - Don Robeys group of labels - Awesome catalogue https://www.iconnect.net/home/bsnpubs/robey.html - More info on the label... Its a massive field of soul - so good luck!!! ATB Rich
  3. Might be getting me wires crossed here or just simply fantasising . . . Am sure I bid on an LP earlier this year on ebay with said tracks on ( my hearts set on a Little Tommy 45 at some point in time!! ) . Am quite sure it wasn't the Angela Davis LP too... Actually - just checked Manship - ' Mr Wiggles & Friends ' CD - Was this on orig. LP..... ATB Rich
  4. Thanks to all . If GEMM is free to list ( plus commissions ) might do both. anything to shed the load!! ATB Rich
  5. Thanks both. Will check / research em out . Need to shift this vinyl!!!! Ebay I guess is the most well known -tho GEMM does look more expensive in fees.... Thats if I can get my head round the info.. Cheers Rich
  6. I'm going to be selling off a couple of thousand swing / R&B / Acid Jazz / Real house / garage 12s etc ( Thinning down and want to concentrate on soul 45s / 12s LPs ) and might do it thru a ebay shop or GEMM . Having never used GEMM whats peoples opinions on buying or selling on GEMM? Never used it myself but would welcome a few pointers / views . Otherwise its the bay.... ATB Rich
  7. Belter of a cut !! Rich
  8. Seen the P-Vine stuff go for anything from £20 - £40?? Luv & Haight - Re-Issue label from San Francisco ( also have a shop ) - Been putting out decent comps for a good few years now. Plus re-issuing obscure / rare funk/soul LPs. ATB Rich
  9. Good work detective! Rich
  10. Being a softie for southern soul - Rick Hall / Dan Spence / Spooner Oldham / along with Wexler / Quin Ivy / Buddy Killen . For a truly stunning and evocative account of these days plus masses of soul info - an essential read is ' Say It One More Time For The Broken Hearted ' by Barney Hoskyns . You'll read it in one sitting I guarentee! ATB Rich https://dogbert.abebooks.com/servlet/Search...0&tn=broken&x=0
  11. Thanks!! And thanks to you too Pete.. And a right nice piece it is too... lovely. ATB Rich
  12. Any folk got a sound file to paste up?? Not heard this... Rich
  13. https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/auction/latest-additions One up for auction today... We'll find out how much in a couple of weeks I guess. ATB Rich
  14. Cheers Ken - I might have this LP tucked away somewhere. Shame on me for not listening properly.. Rich
  15. Great track Ken - label details ? Quite fancy a copy of this.. ATB Rich
  16. Blimey... keeping hold o mine then... Rich
  17. Willie McDougal def. on Kinard - Pat Brady spun it at the Quenns hall, Bradford late 80's / early 90s covered up I think. Copies about £25 / £40??? ATB Rich
  18. Nice tune... racking me brains here.. who is it Pete ? C'mon..tell us! Rich
  19. https://www.buysellcortina.co.uk/home.htm Voila!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATB Rich
  20. Pathetic and true Pete re. your disc . This kind of selling of repros etc is what I brought up in the repros / whos gets the money thread. Someone ( amongst many others INCLUDING Ebay themselves ) are making a nice little living out of selling bootlegs etc. Yet no-one , including liscensing authorities etc are doing anything about it. From all your threads I've seen ( and I dont know you ) you seem like an honest fella , yet get harranged for one 45.... the 1000 or so repros are all from a handful of regular sellers.... ATB Rich
  21. Dug out the Jerry Washington t'other day - cranked up the volume and ........ blimey did the walls shake shudder and fatally collapse at the intensity of the mans volcanic power and intensity,,,, er.. makes me tired jst thinkin about it. Great record and cheap too! ATB Rich
  22. When I wer a lad - young Roger Banks spun a 45 on the radio at Great Yarmouth Weekender . Southern sounding - ' Sold my soul to the devil ' mid tempo(?) Never ever knew who it was and not heard it since and has annoyed me for the last 15 years. Can anyone shed some light on this 'cause it blew me away back then. Many thanks Rich
  23. What a f***ing record this is!! Someone else with great taste!! Gringo / Mak - Thanks for that. Truly beautiful 45. Never issued in the states to my knowledge. Maybe someone else knows better?? Snap those cheap copies up on ebay / fairs - me reckon it might just nudge up a few quid if someone gets behind this. ATB Rich
  24. https://www.detroitfunk.com/ Very sad really . But Detroit has long suffered . Poorest city in the US apparently. Ford cutting 30 000 jobs... maybe some folks will sell all their old ' local ' detroit soul hits 45s at local garage sales...... Rich

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