Just like to say and back up Pete on this one - career criminals and someone nicking records can be two entirley different animals in most cases. They are best avoided.
Similary - like TSU offered - the idea of PM'ing is a good one. Keeps any potential legalities out of the way.. I for one don't know who this fella everyone seems to know ( been off scene for years - only just getting back ) be nice for ppl like me to know who these scumbags are.
For everyones safety , like Pete said - these are nasty folk and best avoided. I 'm in the furniture industry and having travelled in eastern europe on business - I've met some very entertaining and welcoming business folk - but the fact that many are armed to the teeth when they travel inside their own countries due to business jealousy, corruption etc doesn't mean they're top blokes!
Criminals are criminals - if they do it for a living - don't get involved. Lets help those who suffer at their hands, and from I've read on this thread there are tons of top , honest and bloody great folk on the soul scene. Awareness and been a bit careful and sharing knowledge can go a long way .