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Everything posted by Harrogatesoul

  1. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Northern-soul-Modern...1QQcmdZViewItem The re-issue world gone mad??????? Rich
  2. Hi Steve Ten Wand left eh ? Blimey . . . Never really went into collecting the labels as such but on a recent ' re-filing ' ( I know I know...) It occurred to me how many on particular labels I had - like you / Lars mentioned -Lotsa HDH labels - Glades / Alston / Stax / - Then quite a lot on Tayster / Dakar / Frisco / One Der Ful Family / - I think my only complete label is the small Memphis - Girls / etc to my knowledge anyway.. and only a small label at that. Cheers Rich
  3. SWONS has its flaws BUT when I showed it to my girlfriend ( who has no real knowledge of N.S except my rantings about how great the next 45 is ) it did give her an insight into this strange world indeed and provided an impetus to want to go to a soul night / allnighter . . So as a way in and as some form of document about one of the original music movements if it provides and brings in new faces and interest to keep the scene alive /going then hats off . . . Oh and she did role her eyes at the girls in the toilet scene.... ATB Rich
  4. ok ok ... maybe not all of em then.... Rich
  5. 33 kps meself . . look to the top left of the player under the pause button - no i dont what it means either Rich
  6. Stick with the player - youll here some 80s stuff - takes a couple of minutes... Rich
  7. Me too Baz - in it for the long haul really - but would be interesting to know if a few are hitting the end of collecting ' premier ' northern lables so to speak... ATB Rich
  8. I might give up on this one.... - Rich
  9. Hear what your saying Baz - tho' IMO Stax etc ( For me ) personally got me into this whole thing in the first place . There's always going to be duffers on a label with a huge output - Stax does please my ears in the way I collect mainly southern stuff - or am I alone..................... and boring and..... anyway.. ATB Rich
  10. Apologies if this has been done before ( I'm sure it has ) but ... What specific lables do people collect ? And how far you getting on ? Small / large labels ? I'm about to embark on a Stax / Volt / Staellite /Truth etc related collection - always loved this group of labels - interesting to know who else has this ' fever ' .. ATB Rich
  11. M-PAC - yr right - Rich
  12. Accents - New Girl - One Der Ful . https://the.soulclub.org/stream/The_Accents_-_New_Girl.ram Love the label - like the song - lots of whistling - just can't get it out of my head that the group went out on the lash one night and decided to go back to the studio and cut a disc.... Ah the romance of soul music... ATB Rich
  13. Never seen one - but did get re-issued on Expansion a few years back along with ' Foolish Man b/w My Loves The Real Thing ' on 7" . One original LP sold for $300 recently on ebay..... ATB Rich
  14. Just a few thru this week - nothing mega but some nice tunes IMO - Sorry no full clips - havent got me decks wired up yet - but hopefully might put you onto a couple of bits - All can be had quite cheap - Fred Gripper - Forgive Me ( Paramount Demo ) ' 74 https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/searchartist....%2C+FRED&Format= Bobby King & The Relation - Don't Give Up Hope ( Lunar ) https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/56621/KING%...nd+the+RELATION Treasure - What You Tryin To Do ( Mayday ) ' 74 https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/74815/TREASURE Summitts - It Takes Two ( DC International ) ' 73 https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/64711/SUMMITS Barbara Mason - Give Me Your Love ( Buddah ) https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Barbara_Mas...e_Your_Love.ram Barbara Lynn - This Is The Thanks I Get ( Atlantic ) https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Barbara_Lyn...hanks_I_Get.ram Bobby Freeman - Everythings Love ( Autumn ) https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/52516/FREEMAN%2C+BOBBY Bobby Cutchins - I Did It Again ( Lasso ) https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Bobby_Cutch...id_It_Again.ram Most you'll know - but hey . . . Its Sunday morning - A few sounds . Again, apologies for no full clips - am on the case.. ATB Rich
  15. A bargain then! Rich
  16. Soul Brother in Putney have one at £60 - Though I always thought they were a tad expensive on some stuff - might be wrong... Incidentally - some belle** has bid up to £21 - on the expansion re-issue 45 ... Several Buy It nows at a fiver or so .Some people.... ATB Rich
  17. No probs Steve - Was posted up on here by ???? a few weeks back. Some body of work that . All 50s / 60s it states -be nice if there was a 70s version . Perhaps someone knows different. www.allmusic.com is worth a shout for info too. It even has an entry for Patrinell Staten - Mentioning her fairly big local hit - ' Little Love Affair ' . . . . . So where are they.... ATB Rich
  18. Spot on Dayo with the Derek Martin ' big up ' ! Terrific haunting and heartfelt passion . . . Always loved ' Sly Girl ' since I was a young 'un - and realised I don't have a copy of ' Go ' . . . Am rectifying that right away. From clips on JM site and Craigs ' mp3 of Moving Hands I think Derek is absolutley ripe for a retrospective / collection . Dont think there is one currently but I may be wrong. Maybe someone reading this could start something or give us more info on the man and his recordings . Judging by the different labels he recorded for there must ( I hope ) be a wealth of material. Brilliant post . ATB Rich
  19. According to the Laurie listing on https://www.globaldogproductions.com/ its on there - but not sure if the site distinguishes between full blown releases or slated releases..... Didnt even know it meself before I saw it on JM . . And super dog rare according to JM too in his write up. ATB Rich
  20. Just reading about Roosevelt Grier on the excellent if light on info on some atrists - www.allmusic.com - Anyway - his claim to fame was..... A minister now, Grier's most crowning achievement and what he's most known for is when he wrestled Sirhan Sirhan to the ground after the assassin fatally wounded Robert Kennedy, June 5, 1968. Personally didnt know this but hey..go on son!!! ATB Rich - Finder of usless information
  21. Have seen a reference to a Denice Stevenson credited ( Maybe a background / guest singer ) on a Hubert Powell Cd from 1993 on Word records -Gospel Music. Might give you a starting point. See www.allmusic.com As for the others....... ATB Rich
  22. Sad to hear at the very least. One of my earliest memories ( Of soul etc !! ) is going to my first MOD weekender run by Tony Class in scarboro - ooh late 80s ? - 13 years old - And seeing some ' cool ' mod playing ' Soul Drummers ' on a Cassette Player in some pub... Memories are made andcreated by these people who we've come to follow / listen to and respect their work. RIP Ray. ATB Rich
  23. On a past Otis Redding boxset there were ( I think ) several out takes of Otis singing DOTB - With a few cuts showing his whistling prowess failing him and both him and the other session guys falling about laughing . . Quite poignant / sad / funny considering it was his last hit . ATB Rich
  24. https://www.raresoulforum.co.uk/jm_auction.php Copy and paste into your faves.. all the auction finishing prices are on there. ATB Rich https://www.raresoulforum.co.uk/jm_auction....t=next&num=1540 Andy Fisher..££££££
  25. Wow - 1977 ? When a record store was just that . . . easy to collect all sorts when working at HMV - Just have to stop and take stock now . . . I'm stock piling my soul 45s for retirement - grump old man smelling of p*** playing soul 45s at full blast in a retirement home somewhere by the sea! ATB Rich

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