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Everything posted by Harrogatesoul

  1. Apologies if this has been posted before. Had heard that JM isn't JM but someone else? Think I read in an old Shades Of Soul that it was a pseudonym for someone else. Anyone confirm? Or have a pic??? ATB Rich
  2. Not having the best of times Pete lately are you? You can always use the feedback system too, to let others know - even if you get your money back thru Paypal ( And you should do by all accounts ). Spending money on poor condition 45s is a bain in buying off ebay so at the very least you will warn others. Let us know how you get on. ATB Rich
  3. Tough one I think - Agree on the Lou Courtney & Sam Dees tho ' A must for any collection - For me ( At the moment ) Leon Ware - Musical Massage ( Incredible LP ) Aretha Franklin - I Never Loved A Man ( Genius all round ) Charles Brimmer - Expression Of Soul ( And it is! ) JJ Barnes / Steve Mancha - Rare Stamps ( Finally bought one last year - ! ) Donny Hathaway - Extensions Of A Man ( The talent , the voice and ' I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know - Quite incredible. ) ATB Rich
  4. Rattling off the cobwebs - Is it Labrenda Ben - Just Be Yourself ( Gordy ) ??? Sorry dont have a clip here. But it rings a bell with me. ATB Rich
  5. Digging through some old mod 45s - spinning a few bringing back the memories ( Googie Rene / Washington Smith etc ) Not seen this in ages .. My copy went years ago and just dont see it for sale anymore even tho it used to be quite a common 45. Anyone any ideas ? ATB Rich
  6. Hi Derek, On the cheap listings day the 45s listed do surge by the odd 5k or so . Not so sure whether Ebay themselves merge european listings unless folk in Germany et al are listing on Ebay UK. Used to find quite a few things listed abroad. Another factor I think is the amount of buy it now listings of all these ' re-issues ' / look a likes. Just viewing the auction listings cuts it down by half. Certainly takes forever these days wading thru it.! ATB Rich
  7. Miserable day ... on my way to my shop . . discman on . . and on comes Scientists Of Soul - Be's That A Way Sometimes - Kashe Just put me in a right good mood . Which tune brightens your day ? ATB Rich
  8. Fantastic record Col - dont know who first played it tho ' . First heard it in early 90s . . Dells one of my fave groups - fave tracks are: Make Sure ( Still to be had cheap - incredible 45 ) Just As Long As We're In Love ( Awesome - great version by Terry Callier too ) There Is b/w Hallways Of My Mind ( U can still buy this for a quid on ebay!! Love It ) All About The Paper ( Always loved this classic ) Can't get a better group in my eyes - ATB Rich
  9. Check the link below: https://www.globaldogproductions.com/ Pretty comprehansive list of London 45s ATB Rich
  10. Nice tune - Do like a ' squelchy wet trump ' base line ! Who is it ? ATB Rich
  11. Ellen & The Shandells - Gypsy - La Salle - First press - One on JM ending today - Can't think at mo re. the Lauren disc ATB Rich
  12. Many thanks Sebastian - Will check what I'm missing - And thnx Bret for the offer. ATB Rich
  13. Cheers fellas Re Tommy Tate 45 . JM has it at £500 if it was in stock - Think the guy was chancing at $5k or whatever he had it at . . . . . . . . Rich
  14. Besides Luther Ingram / Tommy Tate / Little Dooley - Are there any other artists on the label ? Does anyone have a listing ? Re. the Tommy Tate - If You Gotta Love Somebody - Guy on ebay recently said he had the only two copies known - one he sold for nothing - one he had on auction for I think $5000 ( Not sure here ). Anyone know ? ATB Rich
  15. Not as bad a record as sounds - Anything from a fiver to twenty quid . ATB Rich
  16. Pete - There was a Monza's on A La Carte for sale on this thread back in August - £60 /index.p...readed&show=&st=& Or £100 @ JM ATB Rich
  17. Try one of the Borders stores? Maybe they can get it in for you being a US chain. ATB Rich
  18. https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Sammy_Davis...Count_On_Me.ram Enjoy!!! Rich
  19. £30/£40 seen for Ken - crackin tune. ATB Rich
  20. A few weeks back I posted a thread re. said disc. Never seen one for sale . . and here it is..Early frantic R&B dancer - Don't have a soundclip unfortunately but if anyone does.... worth listening to. ATB Rich https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NORTHERN-SOUL-45-TON...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. Love the horns at the intro - Slightly dissapointed at vocals but is growing on me. ATB Rich
  22. One of those batch of 45s in my early teens when a mod that got me into soul /northern etc. I like it always have personally but then I spun Hosanna - Hip It after years and thought it sounded pretty good . . . ATB Rich
  23. Barbara Streisand - Corner Of The Night ????? Rich
  24. Try www.allmusic.com - You have to pop in yr email & get a password but its pretty good for checkin up all sorts - has the GM version on there. ATB Rich

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