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Everything posted by Harrogatesoul

  1. Noticed this today and 'watched' the item - note retracted bids / for sale / Zero Ratings on seller / buyers??? Bought for a penny??? And feedback from buyer?? https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=4891145537 Rich
  2. Quick one - Have bought 45s from Adam off Ebay a couple of times - no probs at all. Rich
  3. Mike James Kirkland (The Mike of M & The C's) - cut a few 45s and an LP ( I think) on Bryan. So theres your link! 1st / local press? There is an excellent article in ' In The Basement ' chronicling his career - good stuff! ATB Rich
  4. Many thanks Neil Lovely tune IMO - ripe for a few summer plays. ATB Rich
  5. Dont usually ask -but has anyone a mp3 of Strangers 'Night Winds' - got it on old tape - think thats the right group? Thanks in advance Rich
  6. First Yarmouth weekender (89?) - aged 17 queueing to get Chuck Jacksons autograph and feeling all wobbly in the knees at meeting one of my all time heroes. Gene Chandler / JJ Barnes & Eddie Holman at same weekender. Ray Pollard when chatting to him seemed quite humble. Recognising Gwen Dickey at Heathrow airport (to her astonishment) and having coffee - lovely woman. Squeezed inside Mary Wilsons dressing room (with two VERY gorgeous backing singers) backstage at Rooftop Gardens , Wakefield (Ah the high life..) ATB Rich
  7. Seen on ebay recently - One of those two mega tunes on one 45 - Joe Jamma was one cant remember the other. Unless I'm wrong and this is a legal re-issue (which Im pretty sure it isnt) just another case in a long lilne of bootlegging / illegality/money making on ebay. I know its all been said but........ Rich
  8. Came across this last night - Can be bought for probably a couple of quid - Think its quite good. Know its not in the major league or owt but if you like em cheap.... Any plays at all? Just a JM clip I'm afraid... https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/87256/PIPER%2C+WARDELL Any thoughts? Rich
  9. https://www.soulfulkindamusic.net/onederful.htm Try this!! From the ever excellent soulkindamusic site. ATB Rich
  10. Hi Mark I'm guessing but would be about 300 - 350 for those years I think! Err. just seen issue 271 Feb 1979 - Start counting! Sorry not much help! ATB Rich
  11. Whats not to like? Sumptious Chicago 70s Soul. Love it. Rich
  12. Thanks for the KF / Pulsar info Tone More bang for your buck - LIke that! Sounds like a seedy film..or soulies in a sidestreet store hunting for 45s.. Psst Wanna look at my white demos???? I see what you mean - but then I guess the big ticket chasers get their bangs from spending big bucks! I do like my northern but get more pleasure (I cant help the innuendo! from my sweet / group / deep / ballad stuff on a personal level. What I love about these kinds of threads (be it northern or otherwise) is the spread of knowledge. Lists like Sean H's .. Brilliant. On a sidenote - Rod @ Voices opened my ears and eyes as just to how much quality soul there is out there. Now back to the filing..Lets see what else I can pull out..ooh err... ATB Rich
  13. ...Oh man, what a tune! King's version of Otis's "Think About It" is also a crusher in the deep stakes, ditto his "Please Don't Leave Me Lonely" (other side of "Baby Let Me Kiss You"). PS: But don't y'all hate it when a deep soul essential is hidden on the b-side of some stupidly rare northern tune - for example, The Icemen's mighty original of "It's Gonna Take A Lot To Bring Me Back" on Ole-9 - and you just know A) that you're never gonna be able to find one, much less afford one and that the northern diehard who does own it for the other side has probably never played more than a few bars of the deep side....
  14. Emotions 45 - Some great stuff on Volt - Like their ' So I Can Love You ' & 'Stealing Love ' Great Stuff! Sat filing soul 45s all evening last night (Yes I Know...) - Here's a few off the top of my head I spun (And didnt finish filing...) Sam Baker - Sometimes You Have To Cry (SS7) Clarence Ashe - Worth checking his J&S output - Always seems a few on Ebay for a couple of quid! Joe Wilson - When A Man Cries (Musicor) - Fantastic 45 ! Wallace Brothers - I Need Someone (Jewel) - Just bought this for a fiver - Immense! McKinley Mitchell - Town I Live In - (Chimneyville) Latimore - Let's Straighten It Out (Glades) King Floyd - Handle With Care (Chimneyville) - Just great! Ollie Nightingale - Standing On Your Promise (Memphis) ATB Rich
  15. Master Of Eyes ( Atlantic ) - Nice 45 - Cheapo too! Rich
  16. Nice one for a fiver or so - ' Tomorrow I May Not Feel The Same ' Chi Sound. Lovely 45! Rich
  17. 7 issues in all Jim - always good to read Rich Domar have a rant in them. Probably get a couple of quid for em each maybe??? Still looking for old Shades Of Soul personally. ATB Rich
  18. Miff - Bloody great 45 this. Always rated this as a great cheapie. Rich
  19. Randomly picked and spun just now from the ever growing ' really must file these ' shelf... Trawl thru ebay / cheap boxes and you'll find these quite easily and cheap..Creeps a bit into southern standard stuff I know but for a random pick - I kinda like it! Fats Gaines Band with Lou Washington - For Your Precious Love ( Avamar) Ted Taylor - I'm Glad Your Home (Ronn) Jimmy Lomax - Remember Me (Camille) Eddie Billups - I Wont Be Around (Josie) Arthur Conley - I'm A Lonely Stranger (Jotis) Irma Thomas - She'll Never Be Your Wife (Fungus) Doris Duke - How Was I To Know / Feet Start Walking (Canyon) Johnny Adams - Release Me (SSS International) Robert Taylor - God Bless Our Love (Sonic) And the prize for ' Let it all out fall on the knees pray to the lord ' 45 - Sister Soul - I Surrender (Checker) A good bottle of red and I'm prayin meself during this 45. Bloody awesome. ATB Rich
  20. Sounds like a great idea - I for one (and not the only one I hope) but support the idea plus a night of Deep / Sweet / Southern.. Perhaps the scene needs rooms/ideas like this ala Thorne to spread the deep gospel . Rich
  21. Roger Hatcher - Fantastic record - Great example of a fantastic record for so little money . Anyone got a file of Bill Brandon BTW? ATB Rich
  22. Far harder with the b side. Most are same side demos - fantastic tune . ATB Rich
  23. ============================================================================= Thats a very good point - Never thought about it that way . Collusion ? Rich
  24. True the deep market has waned - I collect a fair bit of deep and sweet soul and amazingly some of the 45s I've picked up with only one bid has surprised me to say the least. I guess it comes down to that old chestnut that the 45s are worth what someone is prepared to pay. BUT tough / rare and GREAT 45s will always attract the right people whether thru ebay or specialist dealers. Like the very common and poor IMO Supremes 45 that went for 72GBP - You never ever can tell. Have PM'd you Steve. ATB Rich
  25. Hi Eddie Milton Campbell & RDM Band - Sweet Thing ( ZOOM 101 ) - JB type funk 45 - Not sure if 'Someone ' is the other side.But seems to be a popular funk 45. ATB Rich

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