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Everything posted by Harrogatesoul

  1. Just something that I recently remembered from many many moons ago - Think it was at a Keele allnighter and chatting to Tim Ashibende who showed me a load of acetates of supposed unissued Detriot material. Memory being as it is I can't recall titles etc but have always wondered what they were and if anyone picked these up? Just one of those nagging memories!
  2. Morning All! All 45s from previous lists and most reduced! Great selection of southern,funk,modern etc Some great soulful bargains to be had so look close! All records are EX condition unless stated. PM to reserve or email me HERE! Paypal as gift please. Any problems send it straight back for a refund. P&P: £1.50 First Class - Up to 3 x 45s. 25p each thereafter. Overseas £2.50 Up to 2 x 45s. 50p each thereafter. ** Will be out for most of the day working so please bear with me on replys! Many thanks for looking.**
  3. Cracking version from a brill artist on a brill label! NM condition! YOUTUBE CLIP HERE! £15 inc P&P. Paypal as gift please. PM to reserve! Thanks. Rich
  4. .....
  5. .......
  6. Afternoon all. Nice clean EX copy of this terrific and brilliant sweet/group rarity. Always been a hard one to locate. £175 inc fully insured P&P Worldwide. Paypal as gift please. PM to reserve. NOW SOLD. Many Thanks! Daytons - I Wanna Tell You About It - Daytons
  7. Hi Imogen If you go to the BMI website and type in DAHROUGE RAY or DAHROUGE RAYMOND ANTHONY in the composer search box it'll come up with a few pages of song writing credits. Quite a bit to be getting on with! https://www.bmi.com/search/ ooops Ady beat me to it! A very useful resource too!
  8. Incredibly sad news to hear this on the news this morning. Poet, musician, social commentator, and writer all rolled into one enigmatic person. Always went to the Jazz Cafe when he came over to play - remembering one time when he came on late, speech slurred..not quite getting started... faces all round in worry... but then.. the first few bars of The Bottle kicked in and boy it seemed the years of drug abuse just fell away in seconds and played out of his skin the whole night. The type of artist that will never ever be seen again. Had the very great pleasure of meeting him several times, and once when dicussing his several works of fictionn which earned me a hug and a hand shake from the great man. RIP Gil.
  9. Bit more info on the label owner & labels. HERE!!
  10. Roger Love - Every Line Has A Place - Hotline Very southern sounding - It's no dance floor winner anyway! But sits very right with myself. Flip is 'Just To Make You Happy' I'm sure there are copies out there but I've only ever seen 1 other go through ebay (which is on Popsike).
  11. Afternoon All! Quick list of some 60s bits n bobs. All Ex unless stated.P&P: Uk 1-3 45s £1.50. 25p per 45 after that. Paypal as gift thanks! PM to reserve or email me HERE! No quibble refund if not happy! 1. Washington Smith / Williams & Watson - Fat Cat / Mercy Mercy (FRENCH Epic With Pic Sleeve) £15 (Great Mod/R&B track!) 2. TKO's - The Charge / Can You Dig It (Ten Star) VG £5 3. John Bishop Trio - Wade In The Water (Tangerine) £5 4. Billy Joe Young - Got You On My Mind Again / Standing At The Edge Of Paradise (Paula) VG £6 (i pen 'x' on label few marks etc but pretty clean. £30 on Manships) 5. Jades - Baby I'm By Your Side / For Just Another Day (Verve Blue dj) VG+ £5 6. 5 Du Tones - Let Me Love You / Sweet Lips (One-der-ful) VG+ £5 7. Ruby Winters - Always David / We're Living To Give (Diamond) VG+ £5 8. Billy Hamlin & Co - She's Gone / Why Can't You Let Me Go (Brecht) VG £10 9. Mike & Censations - Your Living A Lie / Split Personality (Revue) £6 10. Johnny Daye - Marry Me/ Give Me Back My Ring (Jomada) VG+ £5 11. T Bone Walker - Hey Hey Baby (Modern) VG+ £4 12. TKO's - Dancing With My Baby / Getting Into Something (Ten Star) VG+ £8 13. Ricky Allen - Just Me & You / Keep It To Yourself (4 Brothers) VG £5 14. Willie Hooks - Take It Easy On Me Baby / A Little More Time (Soul World) VG £15 15. Nat Wright - Mr Love (Mercury) £5 SOLD!
  12. Not sure what that seller had but I have a 45 on said label - Roger Love which is pretty tricky to locate and wasn't listed as known.
  13. James Fry - Still Around - Hi Willie Walker - Love Makes The World Go Around - Hi Africano - Satisfactorize Your Mind - Hi Don Bryant - I'll Go Crazy - Hi Quick 4 from me Across the board music from such a key iconic soul label!
  14. Morning everyone. Nice big list of £3 titles or 4 for £10 plus P&P. Covering deep / southern / 60s / 70s / funk and sweet/group soul. You can listen to many via refosoul/Youtube etc etc. Rather then it looking big on here if you would like a copy of the list PM me or email me by clicking THIS LINK!! The list goes out to regular buyers via email first so a few titles have gone but if you want to be included on future lists let me know. Many thanks Rich
  15. Definately head for the Come Closer / That's My Girl issue - makes a great double sider, agree with Pikey around £40/£50. As an aside 'In My Apartment' often over looked too.
  16. Thanks Alan & thanks Ady Didn't know the track was the A side of the Nelson Saunders Soul King 45. Thanks!
  17. Thought I'd posed these questions before but can't find it... 9006 - McArthur - I'll Never Trust Love Again b/w It's So Real Anyone know who he is? And always always only see demos with the first side listed. Do issues exist? Can't seem to find any sound clips either of the b side or a an issue ever for sale. Same with the one below - 9008 - Sebastian - Living In Depression b/w Wasted Days & Wasted Nights A side a funky thing whats the flip like? Thanks in advance.
  18. Indeed it is - which always makes me wonder if anything else was recorded on such small labels as this or was it just what (so far) is out there that we know of and financial limits ceased any more productions.. Would make a fine retrospective collection wouldn't it?
  19. List updated - thanks to all those who bought!
  20. Many thanks Brian It's a pity the label owner wont talk about suh a cult and highly regarded label and roster and maybe fill in those gaps or tantalisingly speak of unissued material perhaps.. a shame really but then we find so many artists etc from that time having little time for secular past.
  21. I do believe the man himself posts on the Southern Soul Group over on Yahoo under the moniker Raw Spitt (I think!) where there should be plenty of info to wade through . Have never seen a full discography of Fungus myself. Irma Thomas / Wolfmoon / Charlie Whitehead as you mention other than that I don't know any others. A link HERE! to a rather exhaustive web page with plenty of info. Hope this helps!
  22. Never seen a pic sleeve Imogen but I think I have a copy or 2 with the Don factory sleeve. There is a 12" of the track also but if it's longer or different mix ( to the Don or Now Sound label) I wouldn't know. 12" label is plain green with black Don text!

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