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Ezzie Brown

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Everything posted by Ezzie Brown

  1. aha..i did it the other way round ,i outbid joe on a very rare disc for not a lot of money......... next time we met he told me he was second bidder and gave me a friendly bollocking for pipping him ..but he was a canny lad at collecting for sure .......ez
  2. Oh my... .............................met joe and becky when i started going to wilton and then in the r&b scene .....................great guy,great character, great collector......always had warm smile for those he liked......... last spoke about a year ago at lifeline......ANOTHER GREAT LOSS TO OUR SOULSCENE...ez BRAD has asked me to add his name to the above and remembers especially Joe from the great times we all shared at places like the hideway and in the middleton r &b room.
  3. the epitome of the kind of fabulous british female pop singers i grew up listening to in the early to mid 60s. ...ez
  4. deffo not froggy ...he was about 5foot 2.........smaller than me as i recall, i sure i went to coppertops a couple of times about the time the torch was going strong. i was young, i know that..17 or 18....ez
  6. i did a 20min spot at a free entry sunday afternoon chill out recently and was asked after why i had played "strange stuff,not the ussual records djs play "................my .first record was mathew barnett on puff ,...for a mate who danced in defiant and splendid isolation on his own throughout the tune. .ez
  7. callum.your drivin me mad ...........top tune tho ......the boys have great taste..............cu there ...........ez
  8. that bobby shannon..i think???,,,unissued track..............awsome ................... thanks for sharing ..ez
  9. great playlists every time i look ................long way from gloucester in febuary tho........dammitt..ez
  10. i have a version of "THIS TRAIN " on french bel air pic sleeve "echoes of harlem " by lou bennett orch with vocal by ,i believe memphis slim..anyone know about this one ??? ez
  11. pmd ya ..ez
  12. iv learnt over the years through experience when buying records, especially those i cherish its better take your time dont splash out to much to quickly....good things come to those that wait........you will locate one eventually and prob a better all round deal, good luck ez
  13. in a big dark ballroom, with a good not over busy dancefloor...3 in the morning............yes please ez
  14. meeting you pow wow lads was a big influence on me to callum, infectious enthusiasm for different kinds of our brill and varied[should be] dance music renews my interest every time..
  15. hanging around with brad , steve green, bob cornock and dereck from bristol changed and broadened my outlook on the northern scene completly, while on the R &b scene ...linda and ted coulstone and bob morriss from stoke did the same a few years earlier. still meet new people almost every time i go out who have something to add to the enjoyment of it all .ez
  16. proper r&b on a great label.ez
  17. .................."SHE CANT DANCE".......... ........GREAT EXC CON COPY OF THIS VERY HARD TO FIND NORTHERN OLDIE...............£250........... PAYPAL as gift...uk signed for..£3 cheers ez
  18. reckon thats where my red un came from then steve....as i went that nite im sure tho maybe not on the coach?......and jakes....and sids.......and ..
  19. happiness...... ....... the first and most important thing in life...........,everything depends on this and helps you cope with adversity.......get some and bottle it..ez
  20. heard this and bought it around the age of 15...1968/9.....maybe bit earlier .....still an awesome and relevant tune sung by a sublime soul artist to my ears .ez
  21. just vseen this...sorry................but if you still want the 45 its in my sales box at the same price.........regards, ez.........be easier to pm e mail me on ebbr22667@blueyonder.co.uk
  22. pmd ya.......
  23. i will have to stay home. dammit..cant get my musical northern soul playing commode on the coach as its classed as a seat taken and has to be paided for...........ez

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