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Ezzie Brown

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Ezzie Brown last won the day on June 1 2019

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About Ezzie Brown

  • Birthday 11/03/1954

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    r & b popcorn, quality northern soul, talking music MAKING AND HOPEFULLY KEEPIN FRIENDS WITH YOU LOT OUT THERE!!!!!.....
  • Top Soul Sound
    before you break my heart/ arthur prysockAWESOME!

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  1. never seen one .........always loved it x
  2. lovely guy.....king of the DDA romm.......r i p karl x
  3. i got one cut on acetate...had it quite a while x
  4. its brilliant.............x
  5. never good enough to grace the batcaves decks in my opinion.............x
  6. i had stopped going by the time these photos were taken..........i didnt go to wigan after early 75..........x
  7. i went to a couple of memorial events at the end of last year for lost friends , it was great to see many old friends but by and large the music bored me and i went home early.........so its back to my strategy of the last fifteen plus years..........seek out the the top players and the people listening and learning from them and travel to enjoy the best., although i havent travelled abroad... a huge mistake now i know whats out there......................the internet and the new generation of artists has given us so much wider scope, no need to give up on the scene, but you gotta work harder to escape the mundane most accept as they socialise while doing so and thats up to them....ez
  8. i knew froggy slightly around those days..from soul does in gloucester area , going to the royal william , the library , very early stand out memories for me before cats , torch etc, the wax machine soul shop and other haunts, froggy a figure to be looked up to by a sprog like me.....reckon the pic was 72 or 3.......... always remember froggy had an afghan coat which looked like a dead sheep...........x
  9. great info.thanks..prince ella johnson also on this label ..2 top tunes x
  10. a brilliant night ...........got home and went straight to work....the good old days x
  11. is this lp on any other formats or platforms to hear and enjoy?..........any info be gratefully recieved, thanks
  12. loved his records...rip x
  13. hi gilly.....well done bro..........keep one for me please. thanks,ez
  14. only ever had about nine or ten of the list..........all gone to new homes , but the suggested additions in the posts are bloody brill as well..........so keep um coming guys ............super thread x
  15. great group that helped shape my youth , a sad loss x

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