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George M

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Everything posted by George M

  1. Please note - The entire list with full soundclips can be found in the Word document attached (this site only seems to allow ten soundclip links per post, so I've split it up). If you'd like to receive my list in the future before it goes online, please drop me an email. thanks, George CONCOURSE RECORDS Soul, Funk, Modern, Disco & Boogie Sales ~ January 2013 To order: email ruralconcourse@yahoo.com. Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. Grading: UK Record Collector system - M- / EX / VG+ / VG / VG- etc Postage for 45s: £3 UK recorded / £6 UK Special Delivery / £3.75 Europe / £4.50 rest of world / £9.50 Airsure or International Signed For (required for France, Italy & Brazil; strongly recommended for expensive items going to other locations outside the UK) Wants lists are welcome (price them and I’ll be much more inclined to try and help). I’ve included a few LPs and 12”s this time, which are listed below the singles. 45s (alphabetical by label) Lantei Lamptey: Fish & Funnjee (African Music Explosion) EX / EX £75 Massive b-boy breaks on this afro-funk banger. Listen: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/lanteilamptry_fish.mp3 Caldwell Myrick Jr: It Be’s That Way (Big C) EX £30 Slow one from Chicago - sold quick last time I had a copy, and possibly the rarer of the two versions. (tiny sticker on flip) https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/caldwellmyrick_itbes.mp3 Hank Jacobs & Don Malone: The World Needs Changin’ (Call Me) VG £75 Lesser known conscious funk with a sparse, forward-moving feel from the Elijah Rockin’ With Soul guy. There was a queue for the last copy I listed — this one isn’t as clean, but it plays well for the most part — check the full length clip. Listen: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/hankjacobs_worldneeds.mp3 Judson Moore: Everybody Push & Pull (Capri) EX- £75 Recently revived crossover with slamming production. Listen: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/judsonmoore_push.mp3 Lenox Avenue: Sunshine (Chess) EX- £40 Morose but classy crossover, a big spin for Adam Leaver. Not terribly well known but certainly deserves to be since besides being a very likeable song, it picks up into a solid early doors dancer. Faint sticker residue & minor label wear, looks fine though & I think it’s a relatively tough one to find. Listen: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/lenoxavenue_sunshine.mp3 Jesse McFall & The Funk Elegant Orchestra: Thought You Ought To Know (Choice) EX+ £200 Excellent 70s mover from Carolina with a beautiful Love Unlimited Orchestra type of sound. The kind of semi-obscure record that slips through for sale about once a year - but this is only bound to increase in popularity once more people realise how good it is. Current spin for Marco Santucci. Very slight lift not affecting play, instrumental version on the flip. Listen: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/jessemcfall_thought.mp3 Joey Irving: Masterplan / On My Own (Conquer) M- £20 Boogie dancer from the much loved Rockford, IL singer. His trademark falsetto soars on this one. The ballad flip is solid too. I didn’t rate this record back in the day, but on reflection it’s a worthy later inclusion in his discography. Listen: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/joeyirving_masterplan.mp3 #2: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/joeyirving_onmyown.mp3 Sonny Perry: Do Something For Yourself (Crisco) EX- £100 Lesser-known, early 70s-sounding funky soul out of New York, that builds nicely towards a rolling breakbeat section (check the clip). I sold a copy to Soul Sam a few months ago, and then picked up another one just recently - has heavy production that drops well in clubs. Listen: https://www.concourserecords.com/musicuploads/sonnyperry_dosomething.mp3
  2. I have 4 VIP all weekend non accomodation wristbands for the Blackpool Hilton luxury soul weekend, featuring Atlantic Starr with original singer Sharon Bryamt. Full price of these passes are £59 but I'm selling them for £30 each in order to move them. Payment via PayPal please. Thanks, George
  3. There was a cock-up and I'm actually on this week, the 30th from 10am-midday. Sorry & thanks!
  4. I'm doing the Soul People show on Solar Radio tomorrow (Sunday) from 10am until midday UK time. Tune in for a selection of sweet soul, funk, modern soul and a few items of interest for breakbeat enthusiasts too. You can listen online here: https://www.solarradio.com/ Thanks.
  5. I have a varied selection of fifty soul, funk and modern/boogie 45s up for auction under the eBay username concourse*records, including several rare items. You can view the list by following the link below. Thanks for looking. https://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562
  6. I heard about the reinstatement today - tremendous news. This year, me and my friends who are an odd rag-tag band of 30-something collectors without a proper scene of our own all sorely missed Prestatyn. I started going in 2004 then never missed one. It soon became a tradition for us to come together from all over Europe (and the world if you count Kym) in a crappy part of cold North Wales for a strange weekend in degrading accommodation to trade records, gossip, get annihilated beyond belief, stagger around the dancefloor & spill pints on the shitty carpet, bemoan the lack of a "funk room" (although I can't imagine too many people actually enjoying a whole night of funk), criticise the DJs, etc etc. I guess we took it for granted in the end, but I for one am happy it's back. It was fun getting a go on the decks last time thanks to Carl & Maria, and although their budget didn't stretch to a trophy that time I even somehow won their DJ Award which was awesome coming from a veteran like Mr W. I heard that a lot of people complained about 2011 but the low turnout and almost complete lawlessness due to lack of bouncers made it even stranger and more fun than normal in some weird way, even if that was just in my head. It's probably asking for way too much but I hope whatever changes are made manage to keep/expand what was good about it, even while making the site itself more humane... I still laugh every time I think about the Dutch lads on their first visit waking up bleary eyed on Friday morning, opening the curtains to see a depressing sweep of grey chalets and saying with disbelief "Jesus! This is like the camps where we put illegal immigrants in Holland!" In the spirit of free speech, I have a couple of most likely futile requests: more records (you should actually pay Vince, John Anderson etc to turn up, it's not the same without them), less NS mugs/tat, and please don't get rid of the Arthur/Sam/Dave R. section which was always one of the best bits musically for us lot (if anything, ramp it up with more good DJs of a similar ilk). The huge mutant seagulls will be watching. Always watching.
  7. A batch of modern/disco/boogie, followed by some soul & funk stuff: https://www.ebay.com/sch/concourse*records/m.html?hash=item4ab35efe11&item=320836926993&pt=Music_on_Vinyl&_trksid=p4340.l2562 Thanks for looking.
  8. https://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562 Some good ones here, have a go!
  9. "Wind In My Sails" on Dore by the same group (or at least that's who is credited on the label)
  10. I didn't play that record in the soundclip above... The one I play is a totally different (70's) record.
  11. Been largely offline for ages and I don't normally like commenting in public on things like this, but here's my take - as far as I can tell, I currently play as many different cover ups as anyone on the soul scene, at least 10+ current plays. I do it because I put a lot of work into digging, and proper "unknowns" (or at least undercover tunes) are hard to crack, so when you get one and you think it's 10/10, you want to give it as much life as possible. Most dj's have no ideas of their own, just copy others, have no digging skills, and I don't even know why they bother really, it just seems more like some sort of middle-aged cock measuring contest than a progressive music scene most of the time. Also the internet amplifies this, people just sit on their arses copying what they see on the screen like "monkey see, monkey do" zombies. Copying playlists as a primary means of record finding is so lame. I'm not saying I'm amazing at all, but I just think the majority of dj's are a bit crap and the bar has been set way too low. If you can't develop your own sound, find your own records, and play them in the right order with some sort of originality, then what'as the point in it all? Cover ups are something I do find slightly distasteful in some ways, but at this point in the game they're a more legitimate tool than ever for keeping things fresh & moving.
  12. I did that article - I'll see if I can find the full transcript, though fittingly enough it may be on an old computer that died.
  13. No worries Mark, putting on a record fair isn't an original idea! Haven't done one in a year or two, and haven't started promoting the new version either. Ours will be more like a general black music fair with some psych etc for sale too. I should hopefully be there in July.
  14. I'll be re-starting my fair later in the year (we've had the venue sorted out long before this thread came up, but we've had to wait for it to be ready to use), in the centre of Manchester on a Saturday afternoon - we're planning to do 4 per year and it will not be restricted to soul or 45s. No reason why there can't be a few events in the area as far as I'm concerned though, more the merrier really within reason since most of the record shops are crap.
  15. Yes I can see it going big Flagging up current auctions is the behaviour of pansies.
  16. There's a very important social message in this Vivian Jones song:
  17. Definitely seems to have been played for a long time, I wasn't trying to say I was being particularly clever or anything! But I am curious about the Stafford thing. And I agree, it really is the bollocks. The intro sounds like a Wu Tang sample.
  18. I got it off Pat Brady for £30 about 7 years ago (a Leaver tip) and have been playing it ever since. At the time Pat told me it was an old Stafford spin, is this truth or bluster?
  19. I just put out a decent list via email with full soundclips - if anyone didn't get it but would like to, please drop me a line at ruralconcourse @ yahoo . com and I'll forward it on. cheers, George
  20. I've managed to shift it for about a tenner a couple of times in the past on the strength of the shitty drum break.
  21. This must be rare! Mint original on Sunlight, £100, first PM gets it. cheers, George
  22. What kind of a name is Wahonka!
  23. I've got it for £30 if you haven't found one yet.

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