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Anoraks Corner

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Everything posted by Anoraks Corner

  1. Most of these saw the light of day in Japan too...nice looking 7" tri-center Cameo labels with pic covers...some 10" mini-LPs too (rare). Not found any of his Northern recordings yet, mind...can only live in hope.
  2. Oh! Those pesky mysterious shelves in Japan!
  3. Respect all round Out of interest, would y'all consider Don Varner's 'Sweetest story' to be Northern? (By the way, I know you may be interested to learn that I found a third label variant to that one recently...a WD with the logo (East Coast)...to go alongside the Mid-West press WD with no logo (italic font Quinvy) and the West Coast styrene grey label with logo demo. Full house!). Of course the best thing is Jocko can now buy Sean's spare Tower 45!
  4. You got me worried...better go and play 'Something wonderful' again...I'm back and suprised, as to my ears it is defo what I would consider to be Northern Soul...and totally scene-playable!? It is awesome danceable Soul...powerful production and performance...stunning brasswork throughout including a instrumental break...spot-on vocal and a decent enough lyric. Agreed it is not a 'Tear stained face' soundalike as it hasn't got dreadful sceaching backing vocals (never really got on with them!), but c'mon it has the Northernsoul-o-meter needles peaking quite nicely in the positive...surely?!
  5. Here's a rather nice Canadian copy of Bill Brandon...the flipside is awesome Northern (same as the Tower flip). Gotta be rare?!
  6. There's a list and some chat about the label here >>> Mir-A-Don <<<
  7. Shellack with matrix CO50758 machine stamped in...label states the cat#7026...so probably US?
  8. Chuffing excellent, Des...as did the Stokes 'Fortune teller'! Even a 'live' recording would be appreciated!
  9. Nice one...thanks for sharing.
  10. I have a copy of the 78rpm on Okeh...dead rare but belongs more in a frame on a wall rather than in the DJ box?! Surely collectable being the oldest recorded 'Northern' scene spin with a 'Northern' sound? I may be tempted to part with it.
  11. On checking back, I played the instrumental at the Dome mid-way through 2001...you sure you didn't buy that copy from me, Jerry? Shame there are no WD's otherwise I may have kept one...same goes for Richard Anthony (anyone got a recording of the instrumental of 'No good', by the way?!)
  12. It is pants...ignore it mate. Pops up over here fairly regularly.
  13. Here's the other label colour a kinda washed out pink. Had this within my sales pages in April this year...gone now...let it go for less than £75 within a deal on a few discs.
  14. Yet another nod of respect in Daves direction: I taped Dave's set on my first visit to the Casino when I was far too young to even attend! Tracks I recall from 80/81 which I will always associate with Dave include the Isleys - Take some time out for love; Chuck Cissell - Don't tell me you're sorry; DeeDee Sharpe - Happy 'bout the whole thing; Billy Prophet - What can I do...all illustrating his diversity. I first really met him when he turned up at the HMV store I was working at (my first job!) when he was a rep for Charly Records...I was gobsmacked at meeting a Casino DJ...and right from the off he proved to be a top bloke, friendly, helpful and with no airs and graces. A few years later I also ended up working at Charly after Dave recommended me...Brian Rae was also at Charly at the time, so you can imagine the topics of conversation at the sales meetings!?! I also recall spending a few days with Dave out on the road (being the new rep in training!), staying at Guy Hennigans house and also going along to Signal Radio and sitting in on a show...he was a real professional behind the mic I can assure you...very 'radio'. Many years have passed since those days, but on the rare occasions we do bump into each other it is always a pleasure to reminisce with Dave...a man I respect...I also still have the Howard Guyton demo he sold me some 25 years ago...the same disc he spun at the Casino and I had danced to there! Flynny
  15. Silver-tops, yellow, orange and red demos...how about a pretty blue one...nice!
  16. Only if you promise to record/upload onto YouTube yourself singing along to it! Acetates...I had one for his 'Heartache hurry on by'...another nice slab o'moody-midtempness! Inspired by this talk of acetates I am now going to sniff...'er I mean play some!
  17. Such a great mid-tempo/slowy...superb vocals and brasswork...super-Soulful...love/recommend it!
  18. Now I am not so sure! I honestly thought Tony had a copy...or was it just a tape...paging Mr.Smith! Didn't one of the Sheldon labelled copies have an artist name on it, not Orthea Barnes?
  19. Wanted - one of those fancy 'Casino at Cleethorpes' patches, please. Must be in decent condition...PM me please. Cash/vinyl await!
  20. Off on a tangent...I've got a Roy Hamiliton MGM 7" with the man himself singing in Japanese...unfortunately it isn't 'The panic is on', but it is the awsome ballad, 'The willow'. I wonder how many takes it took him?!
  21. Where did Mick get his (to Pete, to Ted) copy from...AdyC or JohnA...anyone know? The acetates that both Tony Smith and myself own came from AdyC, and are a differnt mix to the Sheldon labelled copy(s)...no clip-clop-clapping leading to an overall more polished and smoother feel to it, inna Andrea Henry stylee, if you know what I mean?! On comparison I like both versions, but the smoother one is superior...imo.

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