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Dave Pinch

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Everything posted by Dave Pinch

  1. for the first 2 years all arista uk issues were white with blue logo and black text,,then after that black labels with blue logo and silver text. labels are the same for issues and demo`s except that the demo has a `A` and demo copy not for sale on it
  2. orig is regular mid 60`s uk pye design just like kinks and sandie shaw 45`s
  3. bobby kline has sold for $2000 a couple of times recently on ebay thats more than £1100 by by reckoning...maybe its not mega rare but its always sounded $1ooo,ooo to me
  4. the devil and the deep blue sea was an old cab calloway number from the 1930`s
  5. i thought it was a great night at the 100 club. had to leave at 2am tho as i had to be at work at 8am
  6. minits is a bargain and a great record too
  7. i`d have to agree there len.....my copy in the clip also
  8. hi all got a copy of this cheap, but not that easy to track down double sider on uk london from 1980 top side is a cover of mr flood...... flip is a wonderful crossover tune vinyl is ex but the crossover side has a few pops listen to the soundfile of the actual 45 for the crossover side £10 inc post paypal as gift please SOLD SOLD [media=] thanks for looking dave
  9. i dont know bob. the record only started to become known when all those copies started coming out of vegas,, everyone i seen has the same vinyl;
  10. volumes...........jt parker.....a close call but i`ll go with the volumes
  11. well it must have been worth something coz i could have sold it twice double quick
  12. very nice..i too picked the patterns lp up cheap in a junk shop..........still waitin for the sounds superb lp tho
  13. it certainly does mark.. thats the sort of comment i wanted to hear. if its an old press great if there all real even better and goes someway to putting the ghost to rest
  14. ive had a few of them and it is a couple of years down the line from the usa release. original vinyl and all that lol
  15. the label on the parliaments was way off center too.....well if you can splash the cash fair play to em
  16. what were they thinking about bob coz it makes a good record into a not so good record
  17. hi all how much is this worth if indeed anything LEE VANDERBILT - PICK UP YOUR TROUBLES UK BELL DEMO i know its had a few spins via ian levine and was recently on one of his podcasts any help appreciated
  18. was this bootlegged on backbeat years ago?. i did have a vg copy years ago and that was lo-fi compared to the soul city one which in itself came out 2 and a half years after the usa 45. i think its been done recently on backbeat issue and promo with the same label..vinyl is different tho can someone post up the info in the run out on the orig backbeat 45....my copy was vinyl as all backbeat 45`s seem to be but i heard someone say they had a styrene copy?
  19. yes i think its the same as the gold copy bob.which is certainly new. the cole 45 may been pressed back in the day but where the cole family are concerned it gonna be an uphill climb for them to gain credibility back as we know they still press their 45`s up. i for one will always be suspicious before parting with any money
  20. just a thought bob.. that copy came out of the states in 2009 and are only rubber stamps onto the label.that could have been done at any time. and the label is more lighter orange than the deeper orange copies that are rumoured to be earlier.
  21. bargain for such a great 45
  22. thats pretty much what i said all along nev...unnissued 70`s put out around 2001 and i think they kept pressing a few up every so often to meet the demand stopping around 2005 i reckon...i dont think theres 1000`s of em tho as in recent years it doesnt seem to come up that much at all and theres always wants out for it
  23. lets just say they are all real and be done with
  24. andy dyson had one dysonsoul on here or look at chalky`s post in sales

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