so it is the same label as the black exotics( a record i dont know) ......when you first put the catalogue number down you missed the zero off so i assumed it was on the same design as the mixed feelings..... so its a safe bet to say these two black decca type releases are earlier how much earlier ..who knows... sounds earlier than 1975 tho
just doesnt sound that new.. all usa releases pretty much had the published year from late 1972 anyway,,is the black exotics (311) track same label as mixed feelings, ( 351),that would tie in as MF is 1976....united sounds is 0334 not 334 and has no release date and was pressed in a different place. its either an earlier series or not a related label at all.......what about cl blast what can i do ..(224) .is this united label anything to do with united sounds label? maybe 3 different labels & not connected
a uk issue went for £175 on ebay the week before last..and steve eckersley sold a usa demo on herefor 70 and it went in minutes..... probably the biggest oldie at the moment cant understand why tho.....good but ....
if you listed a canadian issue at £125 i think youd actually sell it
sometime bidders get disilusioned when they bid and it comes back with the `x` youve been outbib so they quit... also some know how much the can afford to spend so thats how much they put on it in hope of actually winning it
i cant find one ian..dont get me wrong i wont buy it as i got a 7in already but ive had a look round and 7s seem a bit thin on the ground period..i still cant account for the $150 ebay sale tho
was always a £5 record in the 90`s also came out on a vinyl chicago al-tog press..silver label black text..had a couple of each.. dont have one at all now so not sure which is 1st but something tellin me that the chicago music bag is 1st im sure the labels tell all boba will know for sure