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Dave Pinch

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Everything posted by Dave Pinch

  1. you could always make do with one with a few marks that plays ok ....bound to be cheaper than 700 and if anything thats how this usually shows up
  2. brice coefield is a good price also
  3. thanks steve ..it does. think maybe the reason ronnie thought it may be counterfeit was the fact it had a late delta number...the train of thought being all 60`s records have a 5,6,7 or 8 delta mark with the 70`s boots being 9 or 10. and probably never thought that 70`s originals have the later delta numbers
  4. wouldnt surprise me if it makes $1000
  5. if you have a good listen W104A3 is a different take altogether
  6. £300 for temps........incredible
  7. its rubbish mick..you should let someone else have it that needs it more than you..like me for instance
  8. quackers that price don
  9. anythin from £125 to £200..always seems to sell
  10. one thing we all agree on is they are all original vinyl.........which is nice
  11. the soul notes 45`s wern`t issued til 1969 as they tie in with the mgm distribution numbers on 45s
  12. i dont agree.i think the multi coloured is the first issue
  13. you could well be barking up the right tree tim.....the rare soul mentality is to always assume rarest issue to be first issue...not always the case.and what you say above suggests conclave to be first
  14. uk copy with what i would describe as the original center in https://www.popsike.com/THE-ENTICERS-CALLING-FOR-YOUR-LOVE-STORYTELLER/380415091355.html
  15. why not just post it on here rather than doing it thru discogs.......just a thought mind
  16. probably about 1996...they came off andy lees ..a great bloke who was killed in a motorcycle accident not long after....also bought a mint charades demo (KTMH) about the same time for £30.. got loads of great tunes from him at great prices and a terrible day when he passed as a nicer bloke you`d be pushed to meet (R.I.P) Brother
  17. sherrell brothers on currison pm with price and condition tia dave
  18. we had eight copies i think 5 demo`s and three issues........kept the cleanest demo....others were £20/25 a pop i think.....quite a few years ago now.. never seen a 45 from another country but that means nothing
  19. i love hytones and george lemons and the day they leave my record room is when i`m done with it all
  20. i thought i`d upload this
  21. me too peter..they dont have to have a lead vocal like rance allen to be good records
  22. just a joke rob
  23. into the last hour
  24. yes it should be the same as the others from early 74..red and white mono b/w blue stereo
  25. not staged jim.. john manship posted it on youtube a couple of days ago and hardly any veiws......he has a full set all to be auctioned i guess

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