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Dave Pinch

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Everything posted by Dave Pinch

  1. that could be another one pete as ive never heard this record out in all my time on the scene
  2. there was one in sales for £100 last year....now where was it
  3. this ones knackered tho steve
  4. fluffy falana played in barnsley recently
  5. one here if any one needs it..also re issued on grt https://www.ebay.com/itm/Johnny-Winter-Road-Runner-Guy-You-Left-Behind-45-RPM-Todd-Records-VG-/390503725249?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item5aebd5f8c1
  6. been after this for years.good luck in your search
  7. johnny winter brother of edgar..albino blues guitarist......
  8. the question was asked..the answer was given..all the tunes you mentioned above do get the odd play ..ive heard them all out.....but joe 90 alas not........and hopefully not to be resussitated
  9. theme from joe 90 died with wigan?
  10. yes same as carla release but with a vocal
  11. eddie spencer deffo canadian only originally..did get a uk issue mid 70`s
  12. see post no 32
  13. some more bits and pieces up https://www.ebay.com/sch/decotwin/m.html?item=200881672220&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&_sop=1
  14. there was a couple on ebay
  15. some i`m sure will go for it
  16. i came back from germany in nov 1986 and he was gone then..i did hear about him on red rose from my mate tony walker..but we couldnt get it this side of the pennines
  17. in my experience its harder now than it was but say 20 years ago if you`d got 30 quid to spend you would a picked a demo up within a few weeks.........there`s hundreds of copies in the uk so its not rare..........but its sort of unavailable in 2013.. its a record i never had but only because i had a uk philips john ford ........larry santos £150 imo
  18. our bri got a frank beverley out of a box of pressings at a ywca record fair in doncaster for £3....at least we managed to keep it a few years and sold it for £30 about 1995..hope you are well mate
  19. what year did richard finish at hallam john
  20. 30 years ago we were tripping over frank beverly on sassy................we still are...but still being charged £300..sometimes you gotta bite the bullet or do without.... i agree tho its not a rare lp on usa smash..white promo is nice..and theres a couple of foreign labels.....i`m sure one will come on ebay in the next month or so for a more reasonable price than $160
  21. i dont think ike strong is a common record..but its not that rare.....£100 maybe
  22. original only...pm with price and condition please dave

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