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Dave Pinch

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Everything posted by Dave Pinch

  1. £320 inc special delivery scan of the actual 45 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=766907746702963&set=pcb.740453949323966&type=1&theater
  2. pictures of actual 45`s https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10614177_766907536702984_4312448063133349222_n.jpg?oh=74357e02ae95069f542cd264170f58b2&oe=548F33FF&__gda__=1418078023_afd8df8851836110e04d1875828a071a https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10426073_766907566702981_8103240799660111899_n.jpg?oh=5a8c60ff9d08e88129760ffc516c3106&oe=548BECEE https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10653408_766907720036299_2024933370803091441_n.jpg?oh=099e52327af95b3db0a3047e1c5576e6&oe=54D027C5&__gda__=1421890329_81fc03e4688c832749e6be1bc793e756 https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10665392_766907746702963_8170253595378968938_n.jpg?oh=8bba9580978f9a4a5dc4ffb92e4bd299&oe=548B148E&__gda__=1418348086_32d9682b804ed40f5108206b30e91668 https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10358865_766907760036295_4493297772187598584_n.jpg?oh=b6a930f7b10b262f36f61518ef983ad3&oe=548277B4
  3. 5 nice ones for sale .paypal as friends or add 4%.. Special delivery £7 1. Eula cooper - let our love go higher ( super sound) vg to vg+ plays great £650 ON HOLD 2. Tangeers - let your heart and soul be free (okeh w/d). Ex £500 SOLD SOLD 3. Marie knight - that's no way to treat a girl ( musicor blk issue). Slight label wear ex £350 4. Tony hestor - watch yourself / just can't leave you ( karate) ex £175 SOLD SOLD 5. Toni basil - breakaway ( a & m w/d). Looks mint but the vocal has a little wear so priced accordingly .. Fine for dj. £175 SOLD SOLD
  4. never noticed..and i`m very good at noticing stuff like that..will have a listen when i get the chance
  5. bloody hell ..if you got the candy..just buy it
  6. the funk and soul 12 is the same as greatest hits..not the lets get it on deluxe.. the company was legit... just the rights to issue were a bit `cloudy`lol ..but then again darrell banks on uk london was cloudy also
  7. me too ted
  8. been booted about 10 times... i think one is a white label.... coloured vinyl maybe
  9. someone tried to sell me one once....i think they thought it was real..good job i knew different
  10. Is there a styrene promo.. Or am I getting mixed up with another
  11. Just the dark blue issue.. Has the title of the record in the dead wax... Also booted on this design so watch out
  12. Stone the crows.. That flowers must be an all time high
  13. There was 3 copies on discogs ...bought buy guys from that find last year to make a few bucks I suspect.. A couple went thanks to this thread... I hope the thread starter has got one... Or buys that last copy... When that's gone.. Price will go back up I think
  14. Sounds the same to me dek... Same as Ivor ..I got one in that find just over 18 months to 2 years ago.....after wantin one forever... Buy it now or best offer..... Got it for a great price.... V happy
  15. I love it gaz... But I've been daft enough to sell it 3 times up to now.. Only USA MGM issues mind
  16. Either way it's 25 years old at least.. And they were around 20/25£. Cheapest I saw was£15... By mid 90s they totally disappeared ...as is recall price steadily increased up to about £120... Henry Atkinson had and sold it at that at the time (2005)......then JM auctions a copy.. Went for something like £500.. Back at about 200 now tho isn't it
  17. One I've been lucky with... Had half a dozen copies ..uk or USA ..never paid more than a tenner.. The uk ones with the A on are not promos.. The promos actually say promo on them.. RCA just had a habit of putting A on all releases at that time
  18. Should go to pms for fear of gazumption..... Did I just make that word up
  19. That's what I mean pete..backings not bad..but the vocal is woeful... Sounds ok in a club when off your head I should imagine... But in the house...yikes... Not sure if it's got a bid in yet.. But it may well sell
  20. How is way better than that paulette 45.. Maybe not as rare but..
  21. Then sometimes they just pop up and almost catch you unaware
  22. Linda Clifford 40 to 50. Phil blacknell was after one if your selling
  23. Unless it's the white stone blue.. Should be red/orange stock only on mercury

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