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Everything posted by greenlight

  1. as far as i am aware it was booted on demo and issue lookalikes and still should have the raised dots under the label to differentiate between the originals and the bootlegs ????????????
  2. PMed you ..... and ps why has nobody snapped up the benny curtis??? thats a bargain bit of R&B for that money ...if i didnt already have a copy i would take it... cheers
  3. detroit executives on andy dysons latest list.
  4. yes(mint minus),please p.m. with an offer.thanks
  5. its funny how people use price guides as and when it suits them...Tim Browns guide is an absolute joke...anyone with any know how would realise the £200 price tag belongs to the rare mis-printed el corols track "aint no brag " "chick chick" is a quite common record and in deed i shall sell my spare copy to bitchdj for a more realistic price of £30...and shake my head at those that will utilise a price guide to suit themselves and rip off a fellow soul sourcer......theres lot of people out there sitting on their little pots of gold always wanting top dollar you will still be sat on those records in 10 years time when the scene finally caves in...obviously we are getting older but not a lot wiser...the scene is full of crusty old 50+ somethings like me...... check your PM's bitchdj....... ps- it would be interesting indeed to see how much some of the "experts" on here would charge for a really rare soul 45.....
  6. hi this is mush borrowing someones screenie.. just needed to say to Linda, Loen and family, Nige Brown thinking of you at this time, cant imagine how you must be feeling, my love goes out to you all.xxxxx
  7. anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of the soul scene would know of levine's immense contribution over the last 30 odd years. just remind us all of your immeasurable contribution to the scene " soulsmith " ??????

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