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Everything posted by Milo

  1. I’m not involved in the current nighter scene, but if I was, how about the Estimations/‘Cant do that to me’ ? Super lovely sound that I’m pleased to have a copy of courtesy of this fine site. Although not rare, I’d also suggest Stanley Williams/‘Count the days’.
  2. Are they still a going concern? Not much info available. I did buy a copy of the Estimations’You can’t do that..’ off here recently. Not cheap but a super record to have.
  3. Are you thinking of the ‘Oldies’ room at St Ives. A boxing area in which people danced in pitch black. Only light was on the DJ decks. Don’t remember the dark bits at Fleet/Wirrina but it was a long time ago!
  4. Never seen that before!!
  5. It’s going back, seller was great. I’ve only ever had that problem with cheap pressingdecades ago and was just a little surprised. Maybe it’s a case of putting rare/ish vinyl on a pedestal and forgetting it’s a 50/60 yr old cheaply produced relic
  6. Hi all, I bought an original piece of vinyl this week from a reputable seller ( he has a no quibble return policy) but it appears to be pressed off centre. I DJ professionally and have tried the record on 3 different Technics decks and cartridges etc… The record is causing my tone arm to sway side to side It only does it on the ‘play’ side, the flip side seems true. I’ve spoken with the seller who’s quite happy that I return it, but I just wondered if this was more common than I think, and I am I being pedantic? I figured with lots of collectors on here I’d value an opinion based on your own experience.
  7. I agree with the’..pretty thing comment’, but should add ‘Me Big shot’ only because I was lucky enough to find an original copy many years ago for a quid! Honourable mention for ‘Betcha never thought’. Really nice tune.
  8. I’ve got one of those early styrene boots I bought second hand around ‘77, came with ‘Home sweet home’ hand painted sleeve from the female seller. Suffers badly now from styrene burn.
  9. Hi Mal,Thanks for digging out this information. Great stuff. I also still have my copy of the Grapevine first compilation. I used to buy from John Anderson from time to time and some of his soul packs could contain the odd gem or two!
  10. Cheers, was just curious about it. A relic of the era I guess.
  11. Hi all, first post. I’ve had this boot/acetate(?) in my box for over 40yrs since I was a kid getting into soul. I can’t find any info as such and wondering if some of the older heads in here know anything about this type of release. Sound is rough and sounds like it may have even been taken from a tape recording.

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