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Everything posted by manus

  1. Al Lindsay - well worth a listen I think - also Dwight Chappell and a fair few others. Cheers Manus
  2. Really saddened by this news - truly one the greats and one of the coolest gals around - God Bless Manus
  3. Fantastic news
  4. Fair enough but I don't really see what that has to do with some Soul fans enjoying a drink. I like a glass or two but I spend almost all my spare time listening to Soul music and when I go out to a venue it's to listen to Soul music - although some of the music played and danced too wouldn't qualify as Soul music in my personal opinion but I accept that's part of the game but I'd have to say some of the non drinking attendees would seem to be fairly disinterested as to whether a record is a Soul record or not as long as they can dance to it - now that's not my thing I'd much rather listen to Soul music all night but I accept that others have different takes on things and I wouldn't want to get too judgmental and start proscribing what people can or can't do. Cheers and off out for a drink now lol Manus
  5. Seems to me there's a certain Puritanism taking hold on the scene these days. It almost as if you can't be a genuine Soul fan if you don't follow the strict rules of the non drinking gang and their revisionist laws of etiquette. Plenty of drinking went on in the past despite what some say - all dayers for instance and we would always meet in a pub before an allnighter and would most likely end up in one the day after. People are getting too serious these days - it's supposed to be about having fun isn't it having a laugh with friends to the music we love. Cheers Manus
  6. No they didn't have a pocket - here's a link to the modern version which is fairly close to the old style. https://swipelife.com/2009/04/24/j-crew-mackintosh%C2%AE-coat/ Cheers Manus
  7. In 1970 Sunderland were playing Birmingham at Roker and quite a few Newcastle skin/suedes went to it - I think the idea was to join up with the Birmingham fans ( how daft we were back then) but the Birmingham fans weren't interested but almost everyone of the Birmingham fans were wearing navy blue Chelsea Macs ( all of them in fact). I can still picture talking to the Birmingham guys on the road outside Roker Park - they were all eating fish and chips lol Cheers Manus
  8. Hello Manus - The beat bobby was real old school ( why charge someone with an offence when you could clip them round the ear and give them a kick up the arse and send them on their way home lol) I used to love MRs Wet Dream and a certain local older girl who used to dance to it and The Liquidator. Wish I had a time machine I'd head for Marcus Price shirts in Newcastle in 1970 and stock up on original Ben Sherman shirts. All the best Manus
  9. Our local beat bobby used to sometimes come into the welfare hall and stand at the door watching the dancers ,as a means of detering trouble I suppose ,but one time he stopped the music and made the DJ take Max Romeos Wet Dream off the decks mid play.
  10. Boot Boys also existed in the 60s - going to football in the late 60s just pre skinhead. They tended to wear Ben Shermans , sleevless jumpers and turned up levis with pit boots and long hair and those heavy RAF type overcoats. These were the first people locally who first began to turn up with full skinhead cuts and gradually they all switched to the skinhead / suedehead look. The local terrace leader was nicknamed Kit Kat and people always talked about " Kit Kat and the boot boys". I always preffered the suedehead look myself. Cheers Manus
  11. The film wasn't released until late December 1971 and didn't really hit the cinemas until early 1972 - I was certainly coming to the end of my suedehead days at that point as were most people I think - although it's always possible that some people were influenced by the book. Cheers Manus
  12. Hello Aid - Suedeheads were around a couple of years before Clockwork Orange ( the film) was released .
  13. I think people should just go out and enjoy themselves and if that involves leaping around and acrobatics so be it - I don't really see how it harms anyone else unless they knock you flying but hasn't that always been an acceptable hazard of Soul do's even when we were young. Cheers Manus
  14. RIP Terry Callier - what a talented man and not only a great performer but also an immense , dignified presence on stage.
  15. Great Show lads - just right for my Sunday hangover Cheers Manus
  16. Cissy Houston He/I believe Darrell Banks Beautiful Feeling Candi Staton you don't love me no more Impressions Can't satisfy Jimmy Ruffin Farewell is a lonely sound Nolan Chance Just like the weather George E Smith Don't find me guilty There's loads to be honest - too many to list. Cheers
  17. I dont know how to upload to Youtube so no sound bite but I also think Johnny Blue Boy - "I'm going away " would make a fantastic ender. Cheers Manus
  18. And with an open mind this one from John Holt Time is the master
  19. I always thought this would make a good ender - Gene Diamond Till the end of time
  20. Tams " be young be foolish be happy" Freddie Waters "Singing a new song" Cheers Manus
  21. I think that's part of the problem - that some folks dismiss other peoples experiences as irrelevant because they weren't around at the same time period as them. Everyones experiences are valid - doesn't matter when they started. The other side of this coin is the occasional person who hasn't been around for 5 minutes insisting on telling you how it was. Maybe both groups should get together and let the rest of us enjoy the now. Cheers Manus
  22. Very sad news RIP Frank
  23. Quite a few threads on here give Rowntree Sounds a mention - if you put it search you should find them - a rum old place for sure. Cheers Manus
  24. Some great singers already mentioned particularly for me Linda Jones , Doris Duke, - but got to give a shout to Cissy Houston and Candi Staton too Cheers Manus
  25. I've posted this before but I think tittyshakers may have been around for a long time - in a F Scott Fitzgerald short story a woman is dancing frantically to a jazz tune and the result is described as " uptown , downtown , jelly on a plate " I'm not being too serious by the way before anyone leaps in with definitions of Tshakers

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