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Everything posted by manus

  1. I just say " I'm a Soul fan"
  2. Memory is a strange thing as I have a real strong memory , association of the John Bowie tune with Wigan which I'm not sure I would have had if it had only been played for a few weeks - I certainly wouldn't think of it as a reject. Cheers Manus
  3. Really saddened by this news - it's been a really sad couple of weeks for those who grew up on the Soul scene on Tyneside . Bill Swift was a big influence for many of us growing up in the 70s on Tyneside and a larger than life old style Soul scene character RIP Billy
  4. Interesting topic because as we all know WC was the only venue to play pop records I mean records like Lou Christie , Mood Mosaic weren't pop revivals from earlier venues oh no. And we also all know that all the other venues had an over 25s only policy so no "kids" were ever allowed in. Yours must have been a difficult birth Roburt emerging at 25 years old quite painful for all involved I would imagine. And the following wonderful Soul artists never had records played at Wigan did they oh no matey Curtis Mayfield , O'Jays , Lou Ragland , Morris Chestnut,Betty Wright , Bobby Hutton,Wille Hutch,Millie Jackson, Willie Tee ,James Fountain , Sam Williams ,Sandra Wright - the list of Soul artist whose records weren't played at Wigan is endless. Do agree with you about Peggy March though
  5. Very sorry to hear this news - God Bless Bonny Lad RIP
  6. There's a difference between a pool of beer/water on the floor and a drop being spilt and everyone going into hysterics over it or someone committing the cardinal sin of walking across the dancefloor with a pint - it's all getting a bit ridiculous in my opinion. I've slipped on talc before but it doesn't make me feel the people that use it are idiots (well maybe the odd one or two). I sometimes think the fun element is being sucked out of the scene - my point was that people could relax a bit more and maybe accept other ways of doing things and maybe go out with the intention of enjoying themselves instead of carrying a set of rules around in their heads. One of the best times I've had lately was at the Vintage Soul afternoon do in Brighton underneath the station - the dancefloor is cobblestones and wet with condensation and the place is freezing but what a laugh and people just get up and dance regardless. Cheers Manus
  7. Talc was certainly used at wigan but was seen as a bit divvy to be honest. It's not something that I've used (intentionally)but I agree with Soul Elite if others want to use it sensibly then why not. Dancing has become a wee bit too precious these days - people complaining they can't dance because there's too much talc , too little talc , a drop of beer on the floor - what happened to just going out and enjoying the music without planning it like a military operation. Cheers Manus
  8. Is this comment really necessary ? - I thought this page was the All about Soul page not Freebasing
  9. Sorry Pete I misunderstood your post I'm a bit tetchy at the minute - two weeks into wearing a sling morning , noon and night after a hefty shoulder op and another six weeks to go. I nearly described Manifesto as jazz influenced , street funk with a soulful black vocal but dropped the jazz influenced bit as I couldn't see the screen for pigeon feathers lol Cheers Manus
  10. Call it what you want I couldn't care less - I was just a bit suprised to see it being listed on this thread as non Soul. Manifesto followed by Joe Hicks and then Lou Pride heart stopping stuff.
  11. No I think they're black - there's a great Soul ballad on the flip of manifesto. I take the rock point but I would call it street funk with a soulful black vocal Cheers Manus
  12. Very suprised to see East Coast Connnection and James Lewis & Case of Tyme mentioned as non Soul classics both would fall very definitely under the Soul/Funk umbrella in my opinion. Cheers Manus
  13. Same thing happened to me about 6/7 years back . I work in a university library and a young bloke about 20 or so came to the enquiries desk with a t shirt on with Northern Soul on it - he didn't know what I was talking about when I tried to talk about the Soul scene. Twas a wee bit embarasssing . cheers Manus
  14. It’s good to see younger faces coming through but I don’t think anything needs to be handed over maybe just a little mutual respect could be in order. It does seem to be fairly acceptable these days to ridicule anyone over 50 who likes oldies and is fat , bald or whatever. When I was young in the early 70s we always respected anyone who had been around longer than us unless they gave us reason not to and before long we would be the ones taking youngsters under our wing. I always saw the Soul scene as having old fashioned values in that respect — you’d paid your dues and maybe respect for your knowledge and experience could be expected from the newly converted. And yes I’ve met a fair few who don’t deserve respect and lack any real Soul history and maybe only attended the historic venues once or twice and bullshit about their involvement especially to younger people — but there’s plenty of “old folk” out there deserving of a wee bit of respect for longevity and passion. And from that perspective maybe the younger ones coming in need to earn respect but that doesn’t mean we can’t give them understanding while they find their feet and try to remember how it was for us as youngsters instead of taking the grumpy old man approach. As for the music I thought the mid to late 80s /early 90s were amongst the best years for Soul music in this country with the emergence of the Up North weekenders and some fantastic Soul nights in London — maybe not for the out and out traditionalist but a feast for some Soul fans. Cheers Manus
  15. Sue Lynn was the ultimate crack up record for me in 78 - awful record in my opinion. Really like Soul Brothers Inc , brilliant record I think - but it's all subjective we can't all like the same thing. Cheers Manus
  16. Tony Galla In Love Human Beinz Nobody But Me Alfie Davidson Love is a Serious Business I really dislike these records and have done since I first heard them I could list a few more - there are other records that I am sick of hearing but are good tunes just overplayed. Cheers Manus
  17. Yes great tune Kev - think it's had a few plays over the years and not too expensive either. Cheers Manus
  18. The late great
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJA6wlxxaNY
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgRDpx3-Gjo
  21. Street funk or psychedelic Soul I'm not sure - but certainly influenced by Norman Whitfield
  22. And some great British based Soul

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