Hello Dave - I saw Bronco Bullfrog a few weeks back on DVD it's taken me 39 years or so to finally get to see it. It was showing at the Tyneside Film Theatre around the end of 1970 maybe early 71 and myself and a few friends went to see it as we had heard that the main characters were skin/suedeheads. It was a half price for students night but open to the general public and the queue was made up mainly of students with long hair and wearing afghans and we were dressed in harringtons, sta prest trousers and loafers/royals. We stood in the queue quietly but it was fairly obvious that the afghan wearers were not happy with us being there and we watched as a couple went and asked for the manager spoke to him and he came over to us and told us we weren't getting in - we tried to reason with him but he wasn't having it. As we walked away the people in the queue cheered. We hadn't caused any trouble we'd just stood quietly in the queue and it was pretty ironic that these people were going in to watch a film about people like us but that they didn't want to actually have to sit in the same cinema as us. I'm not sure what the classifcation was for the film but I had managed to blag my way into the nearby Odeon to watch Soldier Blue around the same time and my mates were all older than me and had every right to go in and watch the film.
Sorry for going slightly off topic - going to see Soulboy tomorrow and looking forward to it.