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Everything posted by manus

  1. Hello - here's a thread from a few years back that might be of interest to you. Cheers Manus
  2. How I see it is there was no "dress code" at Wigan but I could understand for youngsters watching the only existing footage that it might appear that way. I think for most of us of our generation it's been about evolving styles as other posters have mentioned - I wouldn't have dreamed of wearing the Harrington or Crombie that I was wearing in 1970/71 in say 1974 although I liked both in their day and thought they were the dogs. Nor would I I have worn the high waisters or bowling shirts I wore in 73/74 later in 75 as it was about pegged trousers then for me and visits to shops like What the Dickens in Shepards Bush market - which was the best shop in the country in my opinion for trousers around 75/76 and frequented a lot by Soul fans. But I agree with Mak's point the music is the most important thing and again for some it's been about evolution - enjoying the great records of the past but still having a thirst for the new and I guess it's no surprise that those who still carry the original ethos of discovering new sounds mostly dress in a contemporary style. As I said earlier I think it's about personal choice and even though in my opinion baggie trousers have always looked naff if someone wants to wear them then fair play it doesn't hurt me. But I do get a bit narked that this is seen as some sort of uniform when they were only worn by some and for a short period in the history of allnighters. Cheers Manus
  3. Great release Paul - nice one
  4. Couldn't care less what people wear that's their choice , baggies are not my cup of tea and if I'm honest I always thought they were a bit naff even in the 70s and there were plenty of us who didn't wear them but if folks want to wear them why not - I wouldn't want anyone telling me what I could or couldn't wear. Cheers Manus
  5. wanted Tony Owens - I need, I need your love - Soulin Thanks Manus
  6. Hello Manus - yes not a very common name here for sure - but it's a well known christian name in the Donegal/Derry area. My brain's a bit scrambled now but I've a vague memory of talking to another Manus in Wigan maybe around 74/75 - wonder if that was yourself. Long time ago though lol Cheers Manus
  7. Jeez two Manus's on here that's going to be confusing lol All the best Manus (Doherty)
  8. I remember the first time I went into Rowntrees in 1974 Tony - I was wearing a really smart white overcoat which I'd bought in a shop in Newcastle. Later when I got to know one of the guys in there - he told me that they had been considering jumping me for the coat lol. Cheers Manus
  9. I think if you read my original post you'll see the use of the word "shady" was a wee bit tongue in cheek I liked the characters who drank in there but I think we had a private chat some time ago about one of my earliest encounters in Rowntrees lol Cheers Manus
  10. Yes I agree - a bit disappointing- some good well known records like Al Danner and Danny Bell but some strange non Soul choices. I wanted to enjoy this podcast as I have great respect for Ian Levine in terms of his past discoveries and also for the SWONS but a lot of tunes on here weren't for me I'm afraid.
  11. Great post ( apart from the funky shite bit lol )
  12. I agree Anton memberships would be a good solution as most non Soul fans wouldn't take the time to apply for one. I like a drink at events and sometimes it's impossible not to at least go around the side of the floor to get to your table. As for the 70s there were very few alldayers or Soul nights that didn't serve alcohol - allnighters tended to be alcohol free but not alldayers. I think most Soul fans know how to behave even when they've had a few but outsiders can certainly be a problem and nearly all the trouble I've witnessed over the years has come from non Soul fans either taking the piss or being terrortorial about nighters being held on their patch. Cheers Manus
  13. I'm sure there'll be some fantastic records Jeff as Ted had impeccable taste god bless him. All the best Manus
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n5144-lXlA Kris Peterson Just as much - great tune And Dean Parrish Determination - fantastic allnighter sound
  15. Very sad news - RIP Etta
  16. The other side of the Soul Aggregation would have been a much better bet Kev - "I can't find love" He also played James Shorter Modern Day Woman Cheers
  17. It's quite a few years since I bought Blues and Soul - I think I might start buying it again now. Well done Steve on reviewing some fine Soul records and I hadn't realised Frank Elson was back on board, looking forward to reading it again. Cheers Manus
  18. As fantastic as CW is I'd have to go for Jerry Williams - but both great tunes Douglas - All the best for the new year mate
  19. I'm sure your knowledge as a local wiil be greater than mine but The Beachcomber was definitely open on an evening before the main allnighter in 74 and reopened in the morning again for a couple of hours after the nighter. Manus Manus
  20. I agree Wiggy lots of records around that didn't make it back then that are deserving of a play now. But the tempo issue is a red herring I think there's always been mid tempo tunes played alongside the 100mph tunes. Cheers Manus
  21. I think Andy they are being played as rare Soul because that's what they are. I think the oldies scene doesn't seek out new records it plays records that were broken long ago and there's nothing wrong with that I really enjoy a good oldies night. But the oldies nights are nostalgia based and a mostly a snapshot of the period between 74 - 80 ( the Wheel apart) so the true heir , in my opinion, to the allnighter period of the late 60s/70s would be the upfront scene - new mainly 60/70s tunes, contemporary dress styles, and the words "first time for this" as was heard often back in the day. I enjoyed the radio programme I love to hear people talking about their experiences of the Soul scene but it would have been good to have it brought up to date and to hear some of the sounds that are being played now. Cheers Manus
  22. I always thought that rare Soul was northern Soul and vice versa. I would think that most "new" records on the upfront scene would share the same production merits/faults as those played during the period you were active given that they are mostly 60s/70s records. I would also say that the so called upfront scene shares the same values of the 70s allnighter period and that is searching out good Black American dance records to introduce to the allnighter crowd. Cheers Manus Just to add to that I do recall the term Rare Soul being used bysome folk myself included in the 70s to describe the records we danced too and collected
  23. Sorry I'm not too quick on the uptake at the moment Mikey - too much xmas "spirit" over the last five days or so lol- but I get you now. Cheers Manus
  24. Now I'm definitely lost - I thought my post was in keeping with the thread.

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