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Paul Dunn

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Everything posted by Paul Dunn

  1. Both tracks are Sidra recordings. They first surfaced on an LP acetate cut in the 60's which (I think) Adey Pountain found some years ago. Neither track was ever released in the USA. I think you'll find it was Adey Pierce who found the LP Regards Paul
  2. Had the same experiance 3 records in just a jiffy bag arrived last week from a USA seller GREENBOB17, again all 3 unbroken, havent left feedback yet. Regards Paul
  3. Just got another on ebay Sunday arrived today near mint delta number 68418 (Sept 1967) for the tidy sum of £34 + £2 post I'm well made up.
  4. Yes it is the same song. the Gail Nevels came out twice Dottys/Star Track, the flip He can't do without me. is great also Regards Paul
  5. Why is Milton Harris over $100 this week when I got same record last week on ebay for £3.00 Regards Paul
  6. As I said earlier I have never seen one, (could be another Volumes on Pama)
  7. Checked last night in R&B Indies Caesars - Angel of my dreams / Oh Judy - Lanie 500/1
  8. If I remember correctly there is a third release (I've never seen it) think I may have read it in R&B Indies. Regards Paul
  9. I still have some of the old lists from Baldocks Lane (over 30 years old now) Also remember Ian Levine writting about Jimmy 'Bo' Horne on Dade in Black Music around 1973 if I remember correctly Regards Paul
  10. Not the same group (as far as I know) but both recorded on Whale Regards Paul
  11. Have one on the first issue = MOD in near mint @ £15.00 + P&P
  12. The Original can be seen on John's Rarest of the Rare site.
  13. Working from memory isn't the other side the fabulous - Love will rain on you
  14. Got mine a few months ago from www.THE2BUDS.com There the smallest I was able to find after much emailing dealers for their measurements!!!, there a tight fit over white carboard sleeve to protect the rare 45 and still being able to show the original company sleeve. Hope this helps. Regards Paul
  15. It also came out on Soft
  16. Just played my JJ Barnes / Steve Mancha - Rare Stamps - Volt vos3001 Easy Living back to back with the Hollidays - Groove City 206 and they are definately different takes. The GC 45 time on label = 2.40 but plays 2.30 The RS track 2.54 but plays 2.40 Also the Steve Mancha vocal on the Groove City take is much more basey than the Volt take I still believe to be JJ Barnes although there voices are very similar Kind Regards Paul
  17. The Rare Stamps track (from memory) is a different cut and to my ears a different vocalist, I belive the RS track is infact correctly attributed to JJ Barnes and of course the Hollidays track is Steve Mancha just listen to it it can't be anyone else. If you can find a Hollidays Groove City 45 at £400 I would recomend you buy it as it is a very hard 45 to locate. Kind regards Paul
  18. Looks very dodgey to me as well Regards Paul
  19. Hello Di, Yes it did come out on Groove City (Detroit), it's quite a hard one to obtain more than £300 Kind regards Paul
  20. Looking at those prices Chubby Checker has to be the bargain of the century Regards Paul
  21. One on ebay along with lots of other nice things seller POPPY1952 fron Inverness anyone knowwho he/she is
  22. No Sue on the face logo
  23. He's not that clever as his history shows he payed £155 for a Billy Prophet bootleg
  24. Although it plays those 45's a bit quick, it still works in a power cut.
  25. Made mine aswell but veneered all the exposed sides with 4mm ply that I just polish with Bee's waxe (see avatar)

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