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Paul Dunn

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Everything posted by Paul Dunn

  1. Both sides of Jimmy Williams - Tide on Refosoul now
  2. If you asking for the crow label (Joseph Webster) it was part of Flaming Arrow from Chicago (info from R&B indies) 21 Joseph webster - My Love Is So Strong / Inst 39 James Havior - Jumping With Popeye / Girl Girl Girl 42 Carl Walace - Bass Groove / Footsteps On The Moon 43 Jesse Jones - My Father And Yes My Mother / Jumping With Popeye Regards Paul
  3. Its Jimmie Williams - Trade My Soul To the Devil / You left Your Happiness - Tide 2015 I think it is a different artist Will try to put a sound file up tomorrow Regards Paul
  4. The Orange one is the 60's issue different to the SS7 issue
  5. Dave, unbelivably I have one just the same. regards Paul
  6. Its on there now Regards Paul
  7. Mine is Black with Orange at top
  8. I'll try to get one on over the next few days. Regards Paul
  9. Just got Clyde Milton - Leave the drugs alone - DT 1098
  10. Never Missed What You Got It came out on Shout (S-251) by El Shobey & Co the official A side was - Whole Thing Regards Paul
  11. It was her then husband Brad Comer
  12. Jade -Brown And Beautifull came out twice on Century City - 512 the other side is Viva Tirado and 501 the other side is The Siesta Is Over
  13. 017 - Sweet Pea / Inst 019 - Make Love To Me / Brainstorm 020 - Have Myself A Cry / Brainstorm
  14. There ar 19 releases on the label. I have the first 6 Leah Dawson - Horace Williams - Bonnie Brisker - Versatones - Thelma Lindsey - Cynthia & the Imaginations all near mint The other releases are from Mad dog & Pups (7) - The Young Sirs - Soul Toronadoes (2) - Sweet Geraldine (3) Regards Paul
  15. Deverstated, I,ll miss you Glen, hope ther's plenty of cold beer and great soul music in heaven for you. Paulx
  16. I'm with Val on this. I have also known John for many years and he is a complete gent. His knowledge of Soul music is second to none. Were all entitled to our opinion on other peoples product - music or books but if we voice it then lets try to keep it positive. None of us have the right to slag off our fellow man (If you cant say anything nice about her/him don't say nothing at all) Regards to all Paul
  17. If my memory is correct Brad Comer wrote it, so that would make El Shobey the original
  18. Pete, There is a spray on polish. Details off the label - The Vinyl Solution - No2 Vinyl Polish (puts the shine back on vinyl records) HIGHLY INFAMABLE AND TOXIC Regards Paul
  19. Woke up this morning and decided to listen to Solar Radio, wondered who was playing some great soul music and realised after a little time it was John Manship. Just to say thanks John for a great show especially as you played my all time favorite southern soul song Jean Plum - Back To You - HI If you do it again John play Jean Plums other great song I LOVE HIM. Regards Paul Dunn
  20. Looks like Jim (Bald Eagle) Smith on trumpet
  21. John Manship did have them Got all 4 as soon as they came out Regards Paul
  22. The UK clips of the guys in baggies was from a BBC program on youth culture in the late 7ts I use to have it on video an early phillips system befoe VHF and Betermax. If i remember correctly they were dancing to AFTERNOON OF THE RHINO Regards Paul
  23. No
  24. Ive got one £5 plus post Regards Paul

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