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Paul Dunn

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Everything posted by Paul Dunn

  1. Sonny Craver recorded this track as well got at least two releases, I have it on Stanson, and I have seen it on Musette, I also have the Phantom version, definitely a different singer. Regards Paul
  2. I don't think Thelma 103 exists, interesting that the ztsc number Rose Batiste ZTSC97690 and Joe Mathews ZTSC97693 leaves the gap of 2 numbers one of these is the Reflections on Golden Word (Can't remember which one). Regards Paul
  3. Hi Adey, Hope your well. Ain't seen that before, but I have got My Kind Of Girl on Turkish Decca. Regards Paul
  4. I can let you have the files if you want to print your own
  5. Hi Derek, A friend of mine made me a Drew sleeve attached and is in the process of making a sur-shot. Regards Paulscan0235.pdf
  6. scan0235.pdf
  7. Cliff Steel played the record on the Friday night and John Smith asked Cliff to look at the record as he did not know it, he noticed it was written by B Comer, We then went to Interview Mary for the Cleathorpes Video, you should have seen Brad's face when John asked him about the record, he could not believe we knew the record and thought we were winding him up. Anyway when we got back to the venue we got Cliff to play the record again in the little modern room that was upstairs at the early Cleathorpes weekenders and Brad sang over the record with the DJ mike. He then performed it again in the main room on the Sunday. Regards Paul
  8. Chances - People wake up before it's too late (formerly the five chances before one of them was killed in Vietnam)
  9. Unreleased until Outta sight put it on the CD as far as I know.
  10. Paul, Do you know the Willie & West - 'Attica Massacre' track Regards Paul Dunn
  11. The spoken intro is on the issue as well but it's quite rare
  12. Plus, I've only ever seen Reap what you sow on red
  13. Cody Black told me all the blue issues were bootlegs! I have ta admit I'm very sceptical. Always believed the Red ones to be first / Detroit issue. Regards Paul
  14. I have all 7, the Dynasonics and the Ace jones aren't that good if I remember correctly. I'll play them tomorrow as it must be over ten years since I played them last. Regards Paul
  15. Hi Andy, Hope your well. The Blue (Record Player) is quite hard to find (I've only got one and I am keeping it) I have seen pics of a plane brown sleev with what looks like a MOTOWN ink stamp to the mid rigt top, allways wondered if it is authentic. Would love a Sound sleeve if you ever have a spare one. Regards Paul
  16. Hi Ricky the flip to Rockin' Skates is It must be love (coming down on me). is the better side (as good as his 60's sides) issued 1980 and was part of Platinum Sound, Lee had two releases on Platinum Sound and I have one other by Debbie Clinton (there is suposed to be a Lee Rogers Album on Platinum Sound but I have never seen it). I also have three other releases on the 80's DTown label Jena Johnson - Joe Rubins & Coy's Toyz Regards Paul
  17. Hi Richard, I don't know if it is a one off. The other side is Sad Affair (DTown) His 80's releases on Dtown and Platinum Sound are quite rare. Regards Paul
  18. I have both and I'm sure they are the same recording but both filed away somewhere! I think I have all his US releases and an unreleased acitate on United Sound called Play a fair game. Regards Paul
  19. Ian, the Showstoppers did the Casino aroun 78/79 Regards Paul
  20. It was booted with UK type solid centre as well
  21. Along with Jesse Fisher - HIJFI - So.Jam and Lee Rogers PSC Album -Love & Life (Platinum Sound)
  22. Got a picture of the 3 of the group apparently they were so poor one of he group had to take the photo
  23. Hi Adey, Mark Sargent used to play it at the Abingdon allnighters in 77 Regards Paul

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